Monday, May 18, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure To Cough With Handle Of Leaf Kanjar

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province : Java
Language : English

  • Substance :
Handle of Leaf kanjar ( Alocasia Indica)……..…… 1 bar
  • Way of Usage :
Handle of Leaf of kanjar cut [at] morning day, water accomodated by plastic, [is] then taken in the evening and drinked [by] 1 times one day as much ½ glass

Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Monday, May 11, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing Trouble of Heart with Leaf of Sembung

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf of Sembung ( Blumea Balsamifera)______ 3 sheet.
Desk Fruit ( Aegle Marmelos, Corr _____ 3 seed.
Pure honey _____ sufficiently
  • Way of Making :
Fruit of Desk and leaf of sembung boxed till refine to become one, poured boiling water into with hot water 1 glass and filtered.
Spice with honey and swirled till flatten
  • Way of Use :
Drinked [by] 3 times one day

Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

JAMU Recipe : Healing Trouble of Heart by Kemangi

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf of Kemangi ( Ocimum Bassilicum Forma citratum)______ 25 gram.
Seed of Kemangi _____ 50 gram
Root of Kemangi _____ 25 gram.
Palm Sugar ( Arenga PiƱata _____ 20 gram
  • Way of Making :
Third [of] substance boxed till refine to become one, poured boiling water into with hot water 1 glass and filtered.
Spice with palm sugar and swirled till flatten
  • Way of Use :
Drinked [by] morning and night [of] before sleep

Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

JAMU Recipe : Healing Trouble of Heart with Root of Black Sugar Cane

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :

Grow On Black Sugar cane ( Saccharum Officinarum) _____ 3 gram

  • Way of Making :

Grow on washed out black sugar cane.

Cook water ½ litre till boil, then [enter/include] akr of the black sugar cane about 10 minute.

Precipitated so that the the root reside in base place

  • Way of Use :

Drinked [by] 3 times one day

  • Notes :

This Recipe come from Dr.Fisinger, expert of flora of berkasiat which the practice have in Indonesia [at] century 19.

Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M