Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing Bosom Tumor with Lime Parasite

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
  1. Lime Parasite _____ 1 grasping
  2. Leaf Sambiloto ½ grasp
  3. Wood Secang ¼ grasp
  4. Fennel ½ teaspoon
  5. Pulosari ½ finger
  6. Kinds of strong laxative Arab ( equal to marble _____ 1 seed
  7. Turmeric Corm ( equal to chicken's egg _____ 1 seed
  • Way of Making :
Turmeric pared [is] then cleaned and sliced flimsy. Braise turmeric with other;dissimilar substance in eight glass irrigate. Let airnya decrease remained [by] four glass
  • Way of Usage :
This Ingredient [is] drinked [by] thrice one day as much one-third the glass at one gulp
  • Boldness :
Besides drinking ramuantradisional [do/conduct] abstention with [do] not consume durian, nangka, fatty food and hot makanana

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease