Saturday, February 5, 2011

Potion to make the breasts become fuller

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Potion to make the breasts become fuller

  1. Two sections of fresh ginger
  2. whole milk
  3. a teaspoon of sugar.


Clean and peel the two segment ginger, warm milk. Enter the two-segment ginger into pure milk, add a teaspoon of sugar.
How to use:
Drinking every day at night before bed.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Traditional herbs to get a buxom body

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herbs to get a buxom body

How to get a buxom body?
For Women who Want the body becomes buxom, What herb that is used?
To enhance your appearance, not infrequently a woman wants his body to be plump. In addition to regular exercise, this desire can be realized by taking traditional herbs on a regular basis. To prove this, try a traditional herb the following:

  1. gotu kola leaf ... a third mobile
  2. adem leaves one handheld ati ...
  3. two fingers of white turmeric
  4. tamarind
  5. palm sugar.


Peeled white ginger and turmeric, then washed along with other materials. Boil all the ingredients were in two cups of water, and leave it until the water remains one glasses. Add palm sugar and tamarind to taste, then strain. Mineral-rich kola leaves serves to stimulate the appetite. Meanwhile, ati cool leaves, turmeric and white turmeric efficacious to nourish the body.

How to use :

The water is taken twice a day as much as half a cup to drink.