Thursday, May 12, 2011

Herbal Cure : Fever Due to Insect Bites

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Fever Due to Insect Bites
Insects can also cause fever if the bite or sting. Animals are very dangerous insect is a bee sting humans. This bee stings cause a fever sufferers.

- Sense of hot and cold, pain, aching, sore, watery eyes.
- Sometimes the cause of seizures.
- Board so weak, trembling.
- Hard to sleep.
If bitten by an animal or insect stung by a bee, then you can use this recipe.

Recipes I
a. Materials.
- Leaves sambiroto (Androgrphis paniculata, Nees) = 1 holds.

Sambiroto leaves finely ground, pressed, filtered, given water 1 cup.

How to use:

Drink as well, with this recipe, God willing, become feeble insect bites.

Recipes II
b. Materials.
- Green coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn) = 1 fruit.

How to use:
Drinking is a green coconut water was as much as possible.
- Do not eat spicy food.
- Do not hit the wind.
- Bathe with warm water.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Herbal Medicine : Insect bites

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Insect bites
most of the insects are not dangerous to humans.
But there are also several types of insects, that if the bite can make people so desperate for pain or itching that is not infinite.

- Skin bump-bump, itchy and hot.
- Sometimes so swollen.
- Itching to want to scratch constantly.
If this happens to you, treat with herbs below:

a. Materials.
- Ginger (Zingiber officinalis ROSC) = 1 thumb.

Finely grated ginger.

How to use:
Paste or smeared on the body that feels pain and itching.