Monday, August 11, 2008

Recipe : JAMU of Seks Enthusiasm of man(Husband) #2

Traditional Medicine Recipes
Province -
Language : English

Sometimes a husband had a low enthusiasm of seks. Willingness and ability is still but lowering and less motivated. If this matter is let, it will make the wife disappointed. This disease generally because of matter of related to psychological, for example : hate feeling, low self confidence, or facing heavy problem. It is also caused by problem of healt, like : less nutrition, less bloody, and/or diabetes mellitus.
  • Symptom :
  1. Behave passive in seks
  2. Low enthusiasm on seks
  3. Enthusiasm will emerge if awakened crucially by couple
  • Substance
  1. Pepper ( Piper Ningrum) ………….. 1 teaspoon
  2. Old nutmeg ( Myristica Fragans) ………….. 1 item.
  3. Goat testicle……………… 2 item.
  • Way of Making :
Merica and nutmeg milled become one.
Goat testicle burned halfdone.
  • Way of Use :
Pepper and Nutmeg Powder messed together with Goat testicle. Do/Conduct once in 2 day in a few week.
  • Suggestion :
  1. A lot of eating the nutritious food, vegetable and fruits. Especially which is a lot of containing Vitamin of E [of] like : liver, milk, fat, flesh, egg yolk, bean sprouts and green peanut.
  2. Don't smoke and drink liquor.
  3. Eat and sleep consecutively.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Read the book of seks life.
  • Note :
If utilized ingredient above, Insyaallah the Husband will become aggresive and strong in making love
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

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