Tuesday, October 7, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Medicine for Frigiditas / Cool of Lust # 1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Language : English
Frigiditas can be happen on woman or man, if this matter is happened can destroy domestic relation. cool [of] lust wife make the husband disappointed, if cool [of] lust husband make sulky wife and and arise to feel to distrust. Calm domestic becoming not and always coloured with conflict, far from bliss which desired
Cool [of] lust can be caused [by] because psychological, stress, physical trouble, have cold feet endless and others.
  • Symptom :
There [is] three kinds of cool [of] lust symptom :
1. Anaesthesia Sexualis, that is sex lust decrease or haven't Iusted utterly
2. Frigiditas, that is not easy to feel up by lust or gone off at oposite gender and [do] not have of enthusiasm to correlate sex
3. Dyspareunia, that is [do] not feel enjoyment [is] at all the time correlated intimate, even suffer decease or suffered.
To cure above trouble utilize recipe [of] following :
  • Substance
Wallet nestle ………….. 50 gr
Pepper ( Piper Ningrum) …………… 20 item
Ginger ( Zingiber Officinalis Rosc) …………… 1 thumb
chicken's egg …………….. 1 item.
  • Way of Making :
Nestle of Wallet washed out, [is] then braised by 2 [is] glass irrigate.
Merica boxed [by] a refinement, ginger shredded.
Including slice of ginger into rebusan of nestle wallet, let boil and remained [by] 1 glass.
Irrigate rebusan made cool, then include egg yolk and pepper powder, then swirled till flatten.
  • Way of Use :
Drinked by every morning, conduct successively during 30 day.
  • Suggestion :
A lot of eating the nutritious food and the light athletics routinely.
Avoid stress, and don't work too heavy
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M.

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