Thursday, January 29, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing Stiff [of] Linu

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Language : English
Stiff [of] linu [is] often experienced of [by] one who banak use physical. Stiff causes [of] linu for example : heavy job, sport, perjalnan far, fatigue or less take a rest.
  • Symptom
Body felt stiff
Feel run down and weaken over a barrel
apetite to decrease.
Healing Stiff [of] linu by using jamu from substance [of] following.
  • Substance :
Koempheria galanga ( Kaempferia Galangal …………. 10 gr
Rice ( Oryza Sativa ……………. 10 gr.
Kedawung ( Parka Roxburghii ……………… 5 gr.
Jahe(Zingiber Officinalis ……………. 5 gr.
Lime ( Citurs Aurantifolia ½ fruit.
Pure honey …………. 2 tablespoon.
Cooking salt……………. Sufficiently.
  • Way of making :
Koempheria galanga, rice, kedawung and ginger boxed [by] a refinement become one, given [by] the hot water [is] later;then extorted and filtered till get 1 glass irrigate perasan.
Take ingredient of[is above ½ glass, including honey, egg yolk, perasan of lime and salt. swirled to [by] Last flatten.
  • Way of Use :
Drinked [by] 2 times one day.
  • Suggestion :
Take a rest or lain down body
Don'T drink ossify, don't smoke
Bath with warm water.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure headache by Cabe [is] Java

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Cabe Java ( Piper Retrofractum) ……………. sufficiently.

Way Of I

  • Way of Making :
Box refinement of dry fruit cabe jawa 6 gr.
Enhancing 100cc matured water and 2 honey spoon. Last swirl till flatten.
  • Way of Use :
Drink ingredient whilst heat, [do/conduct] medication 3 times one day till really heal.

Way Of II

  • Way of Making :
Braise 15 gr of dry fruit cabe jawa by 3 [is] glass irrigate till boil. Let airnya [is] till remained [by] half [of] part of ( 1,5 glass). Filter [is] then made cool [by] ingredient
  • Way of Use :
Drink ingredient 3 times one day each ½ glass.
  • Note :
Cabe Jawa have of[is nature of paregoric ( analgesic), body warmer, pelancar of blood circulation, palliative of trouble of stomach and also upraise of pressure of blood. so with consuming cabe jawa expected confused because low blood pressure and trouble of remediable gradual stomach
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Recipe Entertain : Drug of Bloated Vagina

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

By dozens the womankind suffering swelling [of] [at] vagina. Bloated [at] this shares earn because of : infection, less be hygienic, accident, or probably because the factious coitus.
  • Symptom :
- bloated vagina
- feel pain in bone, ill if/when touched.
  • Substance :
Sesame Seed ( sesamum indicum ……….. 1 grasping
  • Way of Making :
Seed of Sesame boxed, fried [by] without oil cook, made cool a moment, [is] then wrapped with handkerchief.
  • Way of Use :
Warm [of] ditekan-tekan [of] [at] about bloated vagina. [Do/Conduct] 3 times one day. In this way insyaallah of bloated vagina earn convalesce like from the beginning.
Suggestion - keep cleaning body - don't eat sea fish a few moments - Don'T drink ossify - A lot of nutritious food especially the milk, flesh, egg yolk, liver, sprout.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

Cholesterol represent fat produced by body, especially by liver, chromatic of brass and like wax;candle. Cholesterol required by body, but cholesterol which [his/its] rate [is] abundant will cause serious disease.
  • Substance :
Leaf of Komfrey ………..………………4 sheet
Water………..………………4 Glass
  • Way of Usage :
Way of first, weakening leaf of komfrey with salt, cleaned last. Eat 2 times one day as fresh vegetable. Way of second, leaf of komfrey juice, last [of] [his/its] gist;sari [is] drinked [by] 2 times one day. Way of third, braise leaf of komfrey in 4 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 3 glass, later;then airnya drinked [by] 3 times one day each 1 glass.

Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Recipe JAMU : Drug of LIVER CANCER

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

Kangker of Liver [of] a lot of met [in] sub-sahara afrika and South-East Asia. Half from patient cancer of interconnected liver sliver with infection of virus of hepatitis B and C. the Cancer coming from cell of this liver microscopicly [is] distinguishable for type massif, nodular and diffusion. type of Massif [is] generally happened [in] right lobus, type of nodular happened the totality liver and type of difficult difus to be determined [by] [his/its] boundary.
  • Substance :
Grow on daruju ………..……… 30-120 gram
Beef without fat ………..……………… 60-120 gram
Water ………..……………… 500 cc
  • Way of Usage :
All substance braised in 500 cc irrigate during 6 hour [is] till remained [by] 1 mug. Ingredient drinked [by] 2 times one day routinely.
  • Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recipe JAMU : Drug for CANCER of gracious, nasopharync, chorio-epithelioma & choriocar-cinoma # 1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

  • Substance :
Scrawl Crop ………..……… 60 gram
Irrigate ………..……………… 3 glass
  • Way of Usage :
Braise crop of scrawl [of] during 3-4 clock with small fire. After chilling drinked the water several times until used up.
Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana