Thursday, January 22, 2009

Recipe Entertain : Drug of Bloated Vagina

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

By dozens the womankind suffering swelling [of] [at] vagina. Bloated [at] this shares earn because of : infection, less be hygienic, accident, or probably because the factious coitus.
  • Symptom :
- bloated vagina
- feel pain in bone, ill if/when touched.
  • Substance :
Sesame Seed ( sesamum indicum ……….. 1 grasping
  • Way of Making :
Seed of Sesame boxed, fried [by] without oil cook, made cool a moment, [is] then wrapped with handkerchief.
  • Way of Use :
Warm [of] ditekan-tekan [of] [at] about bloated vagina. [Do/Conduct] 3 times one day. In this way insyaallah of bloated vagina earn convalesce like from the beginning.
Suggestion - keep cleaning body - don't eat sea fish a few moments - Don'T drink ossify - A lot of nutritious food especially the milk, flesh, egg yolk, liver, sprout.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

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