Saturday, February 28, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Heal CALCULUS With Leaf of Komfrey

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province -
Language : English

Calculus earn to grow or formed [in] kidney, kidney channel, poke of kemih or channel of poke kemih.
  • Substance :
Leaf of Komfrey segar………..………………4 sheet
Water………..………………4 Glass
  • Way of Usage :
Way of first, weakening leaf of komfrey with salt, cleaned last. Eat 2 times one day as fresh vegetable. Way of second, leaf of komfrey juice, last [of] [his/its] gist;sari [is] drinked [by] 2 times one day. Way of third, braise leaf of komfrey in 4 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 3 glass, later;then drink the water [by] 3 times one day each 1 glass.

Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Monday, February 23, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Disease Tuberkulosis ( TBC) by Sambiloto and the Deity Leaf

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Sambiloto………… 20 gram
Deity leaf………. 30 gram
Inggu……….. 15 gram
Sagunggu…….. 20 gram
Clean water ……….. 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Wash out all substance, last sawed up. Later;Then braise [is] till remained only 2 glass, last filter and made cool.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink twice one day, each;every evening and morning

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Disease Tuberkulosis ( TBC) with and pulosari fennel

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih ………… 5 sheet
Cinnamon ½ finger
ginger Emprit ………. 1 finger
seed Kemukus ……….. 7 seed
Clove …….. 7 seed
Cardamom ……….. 7 seed
Sweet fennel ½ transfer with a spoon the
Pulosari ½ finger
  • Way of Making :
Ginger Emprit burned just [is] then pared, cleaned and contused. All the substance braised in four glass irrigate till airnya remained [by] 2 glass.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient 3 times one day, semi glass at one gulp. Each;Every drinking [it] can be enhanced [by] 1 honey spoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Disease Tuberkulosis ( TBC) with and pulosari fennel

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih ………… 5 sheet
Cinnamon ½ finger
ginger Emprit ………. 1 finger
seed Kemukus ……….. 7 seed
Clove …….. 7 seed
Cardamom ……….. 7 seed
Sweet fennel ½ transfer with a spoon the
Pulosari ½ finger
  • Way of Making :
Ginger Emprit burned just [is] then pared, cleaned and contused. All the substance braised in four glass irrigate till airnya remained [by] 2 glass.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient 3 times one day, semi glass at one gulp. Each;Every drinking [it] can be enhanced [by] 1 honey spoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing TBC by Sirih and the Clove

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih……… 3 sheet.
Clove Seed ……. 7 seed
Kemukus ………. 7 seed
Cardamom ………. 7 seed
Cinnamon ………. 1 finger
  • Way of Making :
All substance braised in water of is four of glass till the water remained [by] 2 glass. After chilling water filtered.
  • Way of Usage :
Suggested to [by] drink this ingredient 3 times one day. [His/Its] dose [is] as much [of] a quarter [of] glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease


(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

TUBERCULOSIS [is] one of most disease [is] often talked. this Disease cause [is] TUBERCULOSIS germ. continuous TUBERCULOSIS Medication Therapy must be done complete until. Require to be [done/conducted] [by] inspection lender photo rotgen and to ascertain TBC desease attack, so that deflect [done/conducted] [by] a medication precisely
Medical therapy can be help with consuming traditional ingredient to add body endurance and improve energy work lung. Generally the the following TUBERCULOSIS show symptom to the patient
1. Cough to bleed
2. Frequency cough very often
3. If walking enough far will experience of out of breath
4. Red lane felt to [by] itch
5. High fever
6. [Is] sometimes hiccoughed [by] when sleep [of] because upper dilution paru breath channel

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Friday, February 6, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure Constipation with Carrot

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Note :

Constipate in fact is not a[n disease, but the symptom which emerge to join disease. Meaning constipate itself [is] difficulty in defecating. [His/Its] cause [is] immeasurable, deflect for want of the fibrous food ( vegetable and fruit), too much siting, too much drinking the coffee, or less drink. Remediable constipation with traditional ingredient.

  • Substance :

Carrot ……………. 2 fruit

  • Way of Making :

Carrot washed out, [is] later;then grated and enhanced [by] 2 matured water tablespoon and a few/little salt. [Is] afterwards extorted and accomodated [by] the to dalm glass.

  • Way of Use :

Drink ingredient 2 times one day

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Traditional Recipe : Healing berrys with seed of mahoni

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
Seed mahoni powder......... semi tablespoon.
Honey ......... one tablespoon.
  • Way of Making :
Seed mahoni powder poured boiling water into with the hot water glass half, then enhance 1 spoon combine.
  • Way of Use :
Drinked in a state of warmness 2 times one day with dose 3 tablespoon
Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to overcome multifarious [of] disease.