Wednesday, February 18, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing TBC by Sirih and the Clove

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih……… 3 sheet.
Clove Seed ……. 7 seed
Kemukus ………. 7 seed
Cardamom ………. 7 seed
Cinnamon ………. 1 finger
  • Way of Making :
All substance braised in water of is four of glass till the water remained [by] 2 glass. After chilling water filtered.
  • Way of Usage :
Suggested to [by] drink this ingredient 3 times one day. [His/Its] dose [is] as much [of] a quarter [of] glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

1 comment:

  1. great jamu.. jamu gendong.. see u around on my gendong..
