Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Stroke with Deity(Dewa) Ingredient

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Cabe Java _____ 20 gram
Leaf Greet _____ 10 sheet
Continued leaf [of] soul _____ 40 gram
Pegagan _____ 30 gram
Deity (Dewa) corm _____ 30 gram
Irrigate _____ 4 glass

  • Way of Making :
Wash out all substance, last slice little by little. Braise till irrigate remained [by] a half. Later;Then filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink 2 times one day the evening and morning. Each 1 glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Stroke with Red Ginger

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Red Ginger _____ 20 gram
Mengkudu _____ 40 gram
Pule Pandak _____ 20 gram
Deity leaf _____ 30 gram
leaf Ciremai _____ 20 gram
Irrigate _____ 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Clean all substance, last [of] rajang or slice. Afterwards, braise till the water remained [by] a last half filter
  • Way of Usage :
Drink water rebusannya 3 times one day ( morning, day, evening) after eating. At one gulp semi glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak and Sambiloto

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak .... 30 gram
Tamarind ..... 2 finger
Garlic ....... 7 fang
Sambiloto ...... 30 gram
Irrigate ..... 3 glass
  • Way of Making :
All substance washed out. Temulawak garlic And pared. [Is] afterwards sliced little by little and braised till the water remained [by] a half. Filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient twice one day [at] evening and morning, each _ glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak ………… 3 finger
Hot water ¾ cup
  • Way of Making :
Pare husk rimpang temulawak, clean [is] then grated. Mixing with hot water, then hush till chill and the condensation. After chilling, throw away [his/its] sediment and drink it
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient once one day as much ¾ glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak ………… 3 finger
Hot water ¾ cup
  • Way of Making :
Pare husk rimpang temulawak, clean [is] then grated. Mixing with hot water, then hush till chill and the condensation. After chilling, throw away [his/its] sediment and drink it
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient once one day as much ¾ glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Recipe ENTERTAIN : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : Indonesia
  • Substance :
Ginseng _____ 30 gram
Cabe Jawa _____ 20 gram
Red ginger _____ 15 gram
Peppercorn _____ 20 gram
Clean water _____ 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Pare and wash out all substance, braise till irrigate remained [by] a half. Afterwards filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink 2 times one day the evening and morning. Can be added by 1 [is] item [of] egg yolk and 2 pure honey tablespoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Ginseng _____ 30 gram
Cabe Jawa _____ 20 gram
Red ginger _____ 15 gram
Peppercorn _____ 20 gram
Clean water _____ 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Pare and wash out all substance, braise till irrigate remained [by] a half. Afterwards filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink 2 times one day the evening and morning. Can be added by 1 [is] item [of] egg yolk and 2 pure honey tablespoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Ginger _____ 100 gram
chicken's egg Kampong ______ 1 item
Lime _____ 1 big item.
Sweet ketchup _____ 1 tablespoon
Pure honey _____ 1 teaspoon
Merica _____ 7 item
Alpine galanga _____ 3 bud

  • Way of Making :
Rimpang Ginger grated, [is] then extorted. [Is] afterwards poured boiling water into with hot water sufficiently. Egg shaked refine. Lime extorted to be taken [by] airnya. Merica boxed [by] refinement. All substance mingled and swirled to [by] flatten

Way of Usage :
Ingredient drinked half hour before [doing/conducting] body [relation/link]

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Ginger _____ 100 gram
chicken's egg Kampong ______ 1 item
Lime _____ 1 big item.
Sweet ketchup _____ 1 tablespoon
Pure honey _____ 1 teaspoon
Merica _____ 7 item
Alpine galanga _____ 3 bud
  • Way of Making :
Rimpang Ginger grated, [is] then extorted. [Is] afterwards poured boiling water into with hot water sufficiently. Egg shaked refine. Lime extorted to be taken [by] airnya. Merica boxed [by] refinement. All substance mingled and swirled to [by] flatten
  • Way of Usage :
Ingredient drinked half hour before [doing/conducting] body [relation/link]

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Monday, September 7, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure Impotensi [of] With Cotton Seed

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Cotton Seed _____ 300 gram
Rice pageant _____ 1-2 tablespoon
Garlic _____ sufficiently
  • Way of Making :
Sangrai(Fry without oil) cotton seed till rust colored cotton seed till, at the same time enhance rice pageant. Sangrai also the garlic in place apart. Afterwards all substance milled till refine
  • Way of Usage :
Take 10 ingredient powder mixture gram, dissolving in rice pageant, last drink empty stomach time

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease


(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
referred [as] also ‘ erectile dysfunction’ ( disfungsi erection), that is an unabillity to reach for or maintain erection during which old relative to get moment enjoyment correlate seks.
Impotensi can cause by physical trouble existence [of] like venous stricture, diabetes, nerve damage, area pelvic damage [of] because trauma or operate for, side effects from medication, depresi, high blood pressure, cigarette, consuming forbidden alcohol or drugs. Other cause can in the form of psychological trouble, like hasty feeling, fear, dread, stress or feel guilty.