Saturday, September 26, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak and Sambiloto

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak .... 30 gram
Tamarind ..... 2 finger
Garlic ....... 7 fang
Sambiloto ...... 30 gram
Irrigate ..... 3 glass
  • Way of Making :
All substance washed out. Temulawak garlic And pared. [Is] afterwards sliced little by little and braised till the water remained [by] a half. Filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient twice one day [at] evening and morning, each _ glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

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