Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recipes JAMU: Treat Diarrhea

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province: --
Language: English

Diarrhea is a slimy filth disease, which attacks the stomach. Stomach is so prone to attack it by some disease, because all the food and beverages collected daily stomach. The disease is mainly caused by the food would be to attack the belly. Diarrhea was one, this illness usually attacks in children.

Discard water continuously (slimy)
Bleeding in the intestine and gums
Body weak, feet and hands were cramping or pain
Decreased appetite, sunken eyes.

Diarrhea solved with the following recipe:
Glutinous rice (Oryza glutinosa) ... ... ... ... .. 100 gr
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) ... ... ... ... .. 1 finger

Making way:
Fried sticky rice without oil until charred. Turmeric burned to charred.
Both the above ingredients into a smooth ground to a powder.

How to use:
Brewed with hot water. Drink 3 times a day. (One tablespoon brewed once)

  1. Do not eat spicy
  2. Do not eat and drink cold
  3. Do not drink alcohol
  4. Expand break.
  5. Eat soft foods (porridge)
Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Herbal Treatment Prescription: Strengthen the Erections

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

This herb is very useful to strengthen or improve the quality of erections men so as to provide maximum enjoyment for the partner.
Sebagia recipe is the following:

  1. Black pepper _____ 8 g dry
  2. Kencur _____ Powder 8 grams of dried
  3. Tread liman _____ 10 grams of dried
  4. Barucina _____ 10 g dried or 30 g fresh
  5. Honey _____ 2 tablespoons
  6. Kampong chicken egg yolk _____ 1 points

Way of Making :
Powder peeled, crushed, washed clean. Then boiled with other ingredients (except honey and eggs) with 1 liter of water, boiled until the water left rebusannya half, and lift.
After chilling filtered, divided into three parts,

How to use:
Drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening. Previously, mixed with honey and egg yolk and stir well.

Source: Traditional Medicine for Married Couple, by: Hardi Sunanto & Sri Kuncoro S. Sos.

Friday, December 4, 2009

JAMU(traditional herbs) Recipe : Stimulate the Female Orgasm

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
This recipe is useful for women who struggle reaching orgasm in intercourse with her husband. As it is known that many women who have intercourse ended with disappointment for not getting pleasure similar to that felt by the husband. Orgame for women contribute to satisfaction and harmony in married life, because very often when the woman was disappointed it will be easily offended or angry.
Brew as follows:

  1. Red ginger _____ kering/40 gr 20 gr wet
  2. Fennel _____ dry 10 gr / 25 g wet
  3. cumin _____5 grams
  4. turmeric_____40 Gr fresh
  5. Red galangal_____ 40 g fresh
  6. Tapak liman _____ 10 grams dried or 30 grams of fresh
  7. Honey _____ 2 tablespoons

Way of Making :
Red ginger, turmeric, red galangal peeled, crushed and boiled with other ingredients in 1 liter of water, simmer the water and the remaining half, and then removed. After chilling filtered and divided into two parts.

How to use:
Drink in the morning and evening after being mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Source: Traditional Medicine for Married Couple, by: Hardi Sunanto & Sri Kuncoro S. Sos.