Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recipes JAMU: Treat Diarrhea

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province: --
Language: English

Diarrhea is a slimy filth disease, which attacks the stomach. Stomach is so prone to attack it by some disease, because all the food and beverages collected daily stomach. The disease is mainly caused by the food would be to attack the belly. Diarrhea was one, this illness usually attacks in children.

Discard water continuously (slimy)
Bleeding in the intestine and gums
Body weak, feet and hands were cramping or pain
Decreased appetite, sunken eyes.

Diarrhea solved with the following recipe:
Glutinous rice (Oryza glutinosa) ... ... ... ... .. 100 gr
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) ... ... ... ... .. 1 finger

Making way:
Fried sticky rice without oil until charred. Turmeric burned to charred.
Both the above ingredients into a smooth ground to a powder.

How to use:
Brewed with hot water. Drink 3 times a day. (One tablespoon brewed once)

  1. Do not eat spicy
  2. Do not eat and drink cold
  3. Do not drink alcohol
  4. Expand break.
  5. Eat soft foods (porridge)
Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

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