Monday, January 4, 2010

Recipes JAMU: Potion to Make Over Body Slender

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province: --
Language: English

In any aspect of the slender body is more agile and more unsightly. Causes of obesity include: fatty foods, lack of exercise or talent descent.
Traditionally, drugs for slimming the body is as follows:


  1. Tea (Camellia sinesis) ... ... ... ... .. 3 tablespoons
  2. Lime (Citrus aurantifoilia) ... ... ... ... .. 1 pc.
  3. Cooking water ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 cup.

Making way:
The brewed in 1 cup hot water. Oranges cut, squeezed and the water is put into a glass of tea. Mix well.

How to use:
Drink ½ cup ½ cup in the morning and again late afternoon. Do it every day for several weeks.

  1. Many exercise
  2. Control your eating, drinking and sleeping
  3. Use one day a week to eat certain foods, among others:
  4. Fruit consumption aja without other foods, steamed foods, eating grilled fish.

Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

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