Friday, December 31, 2010

Indonesian traditional herbs to cure acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion III

Ingredients :
One hundred grams of rice flour, a nut for fruit seed powder, three segments temugiring, a handheld yellow leaves, one hundred grams of yam, three gods crown, and three sections of white turmeric.

How to make :
The initial steps are made of rice flour, rice by soaking in water for two weeks. Soaking water should be replaced every day. After two weeks, drain, then mash until it becomes flour. Other materials, except the god of yam and fruit crown, made into powder or flour.
Prepare boiling water god crowns. Combine rice flour with boiling water mehkota god, areca seed flour, flour Intersection dribbles, yellow leaf powder, turmeric powder white, and water yam. The mixture was stirred until uniform, then aerated until mongering in front of the fan angina and should be reversed returned.

How to use :
Cold powder was mixed with rose water sufficiently, then rub like wearing a mask over the face.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simple potion to cure acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion VI
Ingredients :
  1. Native honey sufficiently

How to use :
Take honey sufficiently, about a tablespoon, until boiling. After that let stand until lukewarm.
How to wear :
Spread on the facial acne. Let stand for about two hours. Do it every night before bed. This herb can also be used to remove scars of eczema, either in hand or on foot.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

traditional herbs to cure acne #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Potions II

Ingredients :
  1. 5 star fruit wuluh
  2. water salt to taste.

How to make :
Carambola wuluh washed, and then finely ground. Combine the salt water, then knead.
How to use :
Apply at the breakouts for modern times a day, at morning and at night before bed.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Traditional herbs to cure acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Is There a Remedy Traditional Can Be Used to cure acne?
Of course there is. Even the materials are easily available and how to make it difficult. For more details, see the following explanation.
Potion I :

Ingredients :
Twenty jasmine petals, two fingers tamarind, two tablespoons of lemon juice, and sulfur size of a marble.

How to make :
Jasmine and washed tamarind. Combine all ingredients mentioned with sulfur, then mash finely. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix these ingredients until blended.

How to Use :
Apply on the face or other body parts that breakouts in the morning and at night before bed.

traditional herbs to cure acne #5

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion V
  1. Cinnamon stick sufficiently
  2. honey.

Blend the cinnamon stick until the powder, then mixed with honey sufficiently.

How to use:
Apply the mixture on the facial acne at night. Clean your face the next day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recipes Traditional Medicine: a simple formula for asthma

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Fifteen grams of ginger, two hundred grams of radish, and two tablespoons of honey.

All material is washed, then crushed using a blender and add honey. Mix well and drink immediately.
How to use:
Can be taken twice a day regularly.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Recipes Traditional Medicine: Treatment is cheap and easy to hypertension

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Materials :
  • Garlic (Allium sativu, L) = 3 cloves.

How to use:
Finely crushed garlic, 1 cup of water given, then taken the morning, after meals.
Another way of directly eaten raw with rice.
Make a row for 7 days.
  • Do not think the heavy-weight, and plenty of rest.
  • Do not eat goat meat, milk, every high-calorie foods, and eating less salt.
  • Do not drink alcohol, smoke and drink coffee.
  • Moderate exercise and shower with hot water.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Healing the Heart of Pulsed In Disorders with Ginger and banana skins

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* Materials:

Ginger ... ... ... .... 15 grams
Banana skin ... ... ... .. 15 grams
Rock candy ... ... ... .. 20 grams

* How to Concocting:

All material is washed. Then boiled with 600 ml of water until the remaining 300 ml. Boiled water is filtered.

* How to use:

Drink this mixture while warm. Perform regular twice daily.

Note: Keep doing consultations with doctors.

Source: 273 Traditional Remedy to Overcome Disease Assorted

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Traditional Recipes: Remedy for Treating Asthma #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potions II

A handful of leaves young cape and two tablespoons of sandalwood scraping.

Young leaves are dried and used as a headland pollen. Cape leaf powder mixed with sandalwood scraping.

How to use:
If a relapse of asthma, this herb smoked a few times.