Thursday, May 12, 2011

Herbal Cure : Fever Due to Insect Bites

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Fever Due to Insect Bites
Insects can also cause fever if the bite or sting. Animals are very dangerous insect is a bee sting humans. This bee stings cause a fever sufferers.

- Sense of hot and cold, pain, aching, sore, watery eyes.
- Sometimes the cause of seizures.
- Board so weak, trembling.
- Hard to sleep.
If bitten by an animal or insect stung by a bee, then you can use this recipe.

Recipes I
a. Materials.
- Leaves sambiroto (Androgrphis paniculata, Nees) = 1 holds.

Sambiroto leaves finely ground, pressed, filtered, given water 1 cup.

How to use:

Drink as well, with this recipe, God willing, become feeble insect bites.

Recipes II
b. Materials.
- Green coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn) = 1 fruit.

How to use:
Drinking is a green coconut water was as much as possible.
- Do not eat spicy food.
- Do not hit the wind.
- Bathe with warm water.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Herbal Medicine : Insect bites

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Insect bites
most of the insects are not dangerous to humans.
But there are also several types of insects, that if the bite can make people so desperate for pain or itching that is not infinite.

- Skin bump-bump, itchy and hot.
- Sometimes so swollen.
- Itching to want to scratch constantly.
If this happens to you, treat with herbs below:

a. Materials.
- Ginger (Zingiber officinalis ROSC) = 1 thumb.

Finely grated ginger.

How to use:
Paste or smeared on the body that feels pain and itching.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Herbalism : First aid for snake bite victims

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
First aid for snake bite victims
- Tying the top of the bite wound with a vengeance, to prevent spreading along the blood can flow throughout the body.
- The victim was laid carefully.
- Try to keep a lot of blood came out, by splitting cross on the wound, and massage-massage or aspirated by mouth. But it must be remembered that mouth sores or canker sores do not try to suck the wound.
- After a lot of bleeding, wash the wound with hot water, then given a bandage.
Apart way as above, to treatment can use the recipes below.

To cure snake bite wound was washed


- Onion (Allium cepa, L) = 3 pieces.
- Sugar palm (Arenga PiƱata, Merr) = 1 slice of onion.

- red onion grated or finely ground.
- Mixed with brown sugar until blended.

How to use:
Paste the potion on the wound snake bites.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Potion to make the breasts become fuller

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Potion to make the breasts become fuller

  1. Two sections of fresh ginger
  2. whole milk
  3. a teaspoon of sugar.


Clean and peel the two segment ginger, warm milk. Enter the two-segment ginger into pure milk, add a teaspoon of sugar.
How to use:
Drinking every day at night before bed.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Traditional herbs to get a buxom body

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herbs to get a buxom body

How to get a buxom body?
For Women who Want the body becomes buxom, What herb that is used?
To enhance your appearance, not infrequently a woman wants his body to be plump. In addition to regular exercise, this desire can be realized by taking traditional herbs on a regular basis. To prove this, try a traditional herb the following:

  1. gotu kola leaf ... a third mobile
  2. adem leaves one handheld ati ...
  3. two fingers of white turmeric
  4. tamarind
  5. palm sugar.


Peeled white ginger and turmeric, then washed along with other materials. Boil all the ingredients were in two cups of water, and leave it until the water remains one glasses. Add palm sugar and tamarind to taste, then strain. Mineral-rich kola leaves serves to stimulate the appetite. Meanwhile, ati cool leaves, turmeric and white turmeric efficacious to nourish the body.

How to use :

The water is taken twice a day as much as half a cup to drink.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Herb to treat Abscess

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Half an aloe vera leaf stem sized and two tablespoons of honey.

How to make

Thorns aloe vera stalks discarded and washed and shredded. Results grated mixed with half cup cooking water and honey. This mixture is squeezed and filtered.

How to use
This herb is drunk three times sehari.Hasil feelings for one drink.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Herb to treat hypertension

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Herb to treat hypertension

Ingredients :
1 fruit noni .... medium size and is quite old.

How to make and use :
Material is washed, sliced or grated, then squeezed the water. Juice drink as well, two to three times a day.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Herb to treat hypertension

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Herb to treat hypertension

Three stalks celery leaves, five leaves of the avocado, half a lemon, and two cups water.

How to make :
All ingredients are washed clean and cut into pieces. Then boiled in a closed state for 15 minutes, then cooled in a closed condition. Once cool, add lemon water, then filtered.

How to use :
Taken twice a day as much as three-quarters cup until cured.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Traditional herb for treating hypertension

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herb for treating hypertension

Potion I
Ingredients :
  1. lime flower bud ..... 20
  2. lemon ..... two
  3. one tablespoon of honey.

Lime leaves and flowers are washed clean, then cut into pieces. Boil in three cups of water until the water remaining approximately one glass, let it cool. Then filtered, mixed with honey and lemon water.

How to use
Drink three times a day with a dose of half a glass.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Traditional herbs to nourish hair # 2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herbs to nourish hair # 2

Remedy II
Ingredients :
Banana tree stump.

How to make and use :
Banana tree and cutting holes in the cob. Leave on for one night to collect some water on the stump hole. Use water to wash it with a massage. Hair no longer need to be washed with shampoo, but simply rinsed with water until clean. Do this three times a week.

Traditional herb for treating hypertension #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herb for treating hypertension #2

Potions II
Ingredients :
celery ...... Sixteen rods


Celery washed, then cut into pieces and boiled in two cups water until the remaining about one cup. Leave the cooking water until cool.

How to use:
Drinking boiled water and eat celery it twice a day, with doses of half a glass to drink.

Traditional herbs to nourish hair # 2

Traditional Medicine Recipes (JAMU Herbalism)

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herbs to nourish hair # 2

Remedy II
Banana tree stump.

How to make and wear
Banana tree and cutting holes in the cob. Leave on for one night to collect some water on the stump hole. Use water to wash it with a massage. Hair no longer need to be washed with shampoo, but simply rinsed with water until clean. Do this three times a week.

Traditional herbs to nourish hair

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional herbs to nourish hair

How to nourish hair by Traditional Remedy?
Make the hair into lush actually do not need an expensive cost. One of the key is to perform routine maintenance with natural ingredients. How to make and wear are as follows:

Remedy I
Aloe vera

How to make and use :
Aloe vera is washed and then split and take the mucus. Rub aloe vera mucus evenly massaged into the scalp while-massage. Let stand for 15 minutes. After that, wash hair with shampoo to clean. Repeat this way three times a week. Undoubtedly the hair will grow lush and healthy. Aloe vera contains a useful tonic to nurture and nourish the hair roots.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Traditional Recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional Recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Ingredients :
  1. Half the aloe vera leaves
  2. two tablespoons of honey
  3. half cup of boiled water

How to make :
Discard thorn in the midrib of aloe vera. Midrib was washed, and shredded. Potions above mixed with boiled water and honey. Then stirred and filtered.

How to wear :
This herb is taken three times a day.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Traditional Recipes to treat Pneumonia

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Traditional Recipes to treat Pneumonia

Pneumococcal or pneumonia

a. What is Pneumococcal Disease?
The disease is caused by pneumococcus bacteria attack and often contagious in the rainy season. People suffering from influenza and bronchitis, if exposed to the cold, susceptible to this disease.

b. Remedy to Treat Pneumococcal Disease (Pneumonia)
How to make traditional herbs to treat pneumonia as are follows:


  1. Fifteen gram of ginger
  2. one pear
  3. thirty-gram leaf aloe vera that has been peeled
  4. honey.
All material is boiled with 600 ml of water until the remaining approximately 300 ml. After that, filtered and boiled water added to taste of honey, then stir evenly.

How to use
This herb is drunk while warm as much as two times a day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Another herb that works for the common cough

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Another herb that works for the common cough
Ingredient :
- Carrots (Daucus carota L) = 1 thumb.
- Sugar palm (Arenga Pinata (Wurm) Merr) = taste.

How to make:
- Carrots grated, given the 2 tablespoons hot water, then filtered.
- laced with palm sugar, and mix evenly.

How to use:
- Drink 2 times a day.

People with common cough recommendations:
- Avoid cold or humid places.
- Do not drink ice and alcohol.
- Do not eat fatty foods.
- Do not smoke.
- A lot of the sun / light exercise.
- Bathe with warm water.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Potent herb for common cough

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potent herb for common cough

Material :
- Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L) = 15 seeds
- Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) = 1 fruit
- Orange juice (Citrus aurantifolia, L) = 6 units
- betel leaf (Piper betle. L) = 15 strands.

How to make:
- Cloves finely ground, chopped nutmeg, lemon split four.
- Prepare a pan of clean water, and put all ingredients into a saucepan, and boil (pot should not be closed) and let only a ½ water.

How to use:
- In cold conditions, taken 3 times daily, 3-4 tablespoons for adults, and 3 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons for children.

Herb for common cough

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Herb for common cough

- Orange juice (Citrus aurantifolia, L) = 1 fruit.
- Garlic (Allium sativum, L) = 3 grams.
- Honey is a pure = 2 tablespoons.

- Orange juice is squeezed, finely ground garlic, plus a plainly enough hot water is filtered.
- After filtered, enter into ½ cup pure honey, and stir until blended.

How to use:
- Drink 2 times a day (morning and afternoon).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cure your acne with betel leaves

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Many safe way to remove acne from your beautiful face, the material you need also exist around you, even in the garden behind the house.


  1. A few strands of fresh betel leaf
  2. sufficient water.

How to make :
Wash leaves, then chopped or cut into small-KEIL. Boil leaves for fifteen minutes to get out the steam.

How to use :
Water used to wash the stew wajh acne.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Herb to treat wounds on fire # 4

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion IV

Ingredients :
  1. Three potatoes
  2. one tablespoon of coconut oil.

Grate the potatoes until smooth, then mix with coconut oil.

How to use

Smeared material that has been processed at the wound, then tie with a clean cloth.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Herb to treat tonsillitis

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  1. Two tablespoons of Noni juice
  2. one teaspoon of lime juice
  3. a teaspoon of turmeric juice
  4. two tablespoons of pure honey
  5. eight tablespoons of cooking water tea parasite.

All materials are inserted into the clean bottle that had been washed with hot water. Then, stir until well blended.
How to use:
To children over the age of seven years, the herb is given three times a day as much as a teaspoon. Meanwhile, the children over the age of 12 years or adults are given five times a day as much as one teaspoon to one drink.

Another simple way to treat tonsils

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion III

  1. Lemon
  2. turmeric
  3. honey.

Squeezed lemon, turmeric, crushed until the water out. Lemon juice mixed with turmeric and then add honey sufficiently.
How to use:
Drink it bit by bit as much as 2-3 tablespoons of one drink. Do it over and over again in a day until cured.

How do I treat tonsillitis?

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)


  1. Two nutmeg
  2. twenty pimento seeds.

Nutmeg and pimento seeds washed clean. Then knead with palm oil. When will be used, such materials must be warmed first.

How to use:
Smeared evenly across the neck and use it twice a day.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Herb to treat tonsillitis

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  1. Two tablespoons of Noni juice
  2. one teaspoon of lime juice
  3. a teaspoon of turmeric juice
  4. two tablespoons of pure honey
  5. eight tablespoons of cooking water tea parasite.

All materials are inserted into the clean bottle that had been washed with hot water. Then, stir until well blended.
How to use:
To children over the age of seven years, the herb is given three times a day as much as a teaspoon. Meanwhile, the children over the age of 12 years or adults are given five times a day as much as one teaspoon to one drink.

Simple herbs for asthma

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion V

Ten stalk lemongrass and sugar sufficiently.

Lemongrass washed, then crushed. After that, lemongrass braised with five glasses of water, then add sugar sufficiently. After remaining about two and a half cup, boiling water is removed and cooled.

How to use:
This herb is drunk four times a day as much as half a glass every drink.

Simple formula derived from your kitchen to cure cough #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potions II

Fifteen pimento seeds, one seed nutmeg, lemon six, and fifteen pieces of betel leaf.

Until finely ground cloves and lime split into two. All material on top of the insert into the pot made of clay and boiled with three glasses of water to boil. When boiling pot should not be closed so that more rapid evaporation occurs. After the cooking water to live and a half cups, pots removed. Once cool, boiled water put into bottles.
How to use:
The recommended dosage is three times as much as four tablespoons a day for adults and two tablespoons of one drink for children. If you want good taste, can add honey as a sweetener.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Simple formula derived from your kitchen to cure cough

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
What potions to cure cough?

Potion I

One of orange juice, a chicken egg yolks, and one tablespoon soy sauce.

The three ingredients are mixed, then stir until well blended.

How to use:
This potion drunk 3 times a day until cured.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Herbs to treat asthma

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Potion VII

Two of ripe noni fruit, one clove of ginger, and honey sufficiently.

Noni fruit and ginger is washed, then cut into pieces. After that, crushed using a blender and add enough water, and boil until boiling. Into the stew was added honey sufficiently, then stir until evenly distributed. This herb can be drunk in warm.
How to use:
This herb is taken three times a day regularly.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Herbs for Asthma

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion VI

One or two ripe noni fruit, carrots, and lemon sufficiently.

Noni fruit is ripe is washed, cut into small pieces, then made using a juice blender. Carrot and lemon juice are also made each of one glass. Carrots and lemon juice added to the noni juice, and mix evenly.

How to use:
This herb is taken three times a day regularly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Simple herbs that can effectively cure Hypertension

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Treat hypertension, you can use the following recipes:
  • Celery (Apium graveolens, L.).
Celery leaves have the efficacy to reduce high blood pressure. Celery leaves as a diuretic properties, which are very helpful at all in an effort to reduce hypertension.

Take the sufficiently of celery leaves, pounded, given a little cooking water, then squeezed.
How to use:
Celery juice of 2 tablespoons of drink as well, morning, afternoon and evening.
Drinking regularly for 3 days.