Friday, January 14, 2011

Another herb that works for the common cough

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Another herb that works for the common cough
Ingredient :
- Carrots (Daucus carota L) = 1 thumb.
- Sugar palm (Arenga Pinata (Wurm) Merr) = taste.

How to make:
- Carrots grated, given the 2 tablespoons hot water, then filtered.
- laced with palm sugar, and mix evenly.

How to use:
- Drink 2 times a day.

People with common cough recommendations:
- Avoid cold or humid places.
- Do not drink ice and alcohol.
- Do not eat fatty foods.
- Do not smoke.
- A lot of the sun / light exercise.
- Bathe with warm water.

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