Friday, August 31, 2012

Treat Asthma

Ten cloves of garlic and
one tablespoon of honey


Garlic peeled and washed, then cut into pieces a little thin. Results irisannya boiled in two cups of water until the remaining is only about ¼ cup. Cooled boiled water, then filtered. Before drinking, add honey.

How to use:
The recommended dosage is three times as much as half a glass a day.

Treat acne with aloe vera

Can aloe vera cure acne? Try it, it is reall

Stems of fresh aloe vera sufficiently.

How to make :
Wash the stems of aloe vera, then break that out gel or mucus.

How to use :

Apply on the face that had been cleaned before. Do it to heal acne.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Eliminates wrinkle or wrinkled face

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Eliminates wrinkle or wrinkled face

Wrinkle face fair for those who are elderly or for those who are often exhausted. If you are experienced, then Treat using the recipes below:

  1. Rice flour ..... 1 cup 
  2. Mung bean flour ..... 1 cup 
  3. Chicken eggs ..... 1 point 

How to make: 
All the ingredients stirring until blended and dried. Once dry pulverized and sieved until smooth. 
How to Use: 
Use as a powder, especially on the trowels are wrinkled. Do this, going to bed every night.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Herbs to get rid of acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Herbs to get rid of acne

Anyone with acne would feel uncomfortable, either girls or youth, especially mothers and fathers, it's disturbing appearance.
How to treat acne are as follows:

  1. Lime. Take sulfur 1/2 tablespoons, soften the lemon that has been cut. To eliminate the unpleasant sulfur smell that perfume drops a little. Use this mixture on the face or body acne. 
  2. Tomato. Take ripe tomatoes, sliced ​​small, menjelangtidur night and apply to the face with acne. 
  3. Betel. Mash some betel leaves and then stick to the face with acne. Do this regularly, your acne will diminish God willing.

Remedy For Smooth Skin

Remedy For Smooth Skin

This ingredient, in addition to taste good also very nutritious to keep your skin healthy and smooth.
 1. Avocado fruit ......... 1 piece
 2. Milk cassava juice ........ 5 tablespoons
 3. Pure honey 1 tablespoon .........
 4. ½ cup hot water
How to mix: 
Like making juice, mix all the above ingredients, of course avocado meat only. 
For maximum results, drink a potion over once a week. With perseverance and diligence of your skin is sure to be more smooth and soft.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Herbal Prescription: Remedy for the Barren Wife

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

When the ingredients below you use your God willing will be the wife of a healthy and capable of providing children for the husband.
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) _____ 10 gr
Leaf Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) _____ 10 gr
Needle grass (Desmodium triflorum) _____ 5 rods
Scraped young pineapple (Ananas comosus) _____ 1 trunk
Rally Leads (Curcuma Heyneana) _____ 5 gr
Gathering Black (Curcuma aeruginosa) _____ 5 gr
Turmeric  (Kaemoferia galanga) _____ 2 gr
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) _____ 1 piece
Salt to taste
How to mix: 
Turmeric, Sleigh Rally, Rally Black and Turmeric, grated. Gotu kola leaf, needle grass and pineapple finely scraped. 
Except the lemon juice, all materials were heated, squeezed, strained to get a glass of juice. Lime juice and salt in a glass insert, and mix evenly. 
 Directions for Use: 
Drink 1 glass every morning before eating.