Friday, August 17, 2012

Herbal Prescription: Remedy for the Barren Wife

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

When the ingredients below you use your God willing will be the wife of a healthy and capable of providing children for the husband.
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) _____ 10 gr
Leaf Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) _____ 10 gr
Needle grass (Desmodium triflorum) _____ 5 rods
Scraped young pineapple (Ananas comosus) _____ 1 trunk
Rally Leads (Curcuma Heyneana) _____ 5 gr
Gathering Black (Curcuma aeruginosa) _____ 5 gr
Turmeric  (Kaemoferia galanga) _____ 2 gr
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) _____ 1 piece
Salt to taste
How to mix: 
Turmeric, Sleigh Rally, Rally Black and Turmeric, grated. Gotu kola leaf, needle grass and pineapple finely scraped. 
Except the lemon juice, all materials were heated, squeezed, strained to get a glass of juice. Lime juice and salt in a glass insert, and mix evenly. 
 Directions for Use: 
Drink 1 glass every morning before eating.

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