Friday, October 30, 2009

Traditional Recipe : Herbs to Increase The Sex Desire in Women

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* Province: --
Language: English

Many women lost their sexual desire after a few years of marriage, especially after giving birth to several children. This is a disorder that is sometimes not realized by the patient. Many men who later played affair with another woman, because the wife was not excited again.
When this happens the ears bisikkanlah your wife and tell her that he had lost his sex drive, to immediately deal with the treatment. Wife should recognize these weaknesses.
  1. Passion for sex decreased
  2. When sex mengedakan passive, not react.
  3. Often associated with the husband refused.

  1. Ginger (Zingiber oficianalis) ... ... ... .. 20 grams
  2. Caraway (Carum carvi) ... ... ... .. 5 grams
  3. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) ... ... ... .. 5 grams
  4. Pulosari (Alyxia stellata) ... ... ... .. 5 grams
  5. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) ... ... ... .. 2 pieces
  6. Chicken eggs ... ... ... .. 2 eggs
  7. Pure honey ... ... ... .. 2 tablespoons
Making way:
Ginger, cumin, fennel, pulosari and finely ground nutmeg together. Chicken egg yolk taken.
All material is mixed into one, after being given a cold airmasak to make 1 cup.

How to use:
Taken once in the morning, make this herb 2 times in 1 week.

  1. Many eat nutritious foods that contain lots of vitamin E; liver, milk fat, Dading, toge, green beans and eggs.
  2. Avoid stress.
  3. Exercising regularly.
  4. Many read book about the passion of sex.
Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

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