Saturday, October 24, 2009

Traditional Recipes (JAMU): Sperm reproduce

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Language: English

For men, semen (sperm) should be maintained not to dryness. Dried semen that can cause interference on the genitals and probably difficult to get offspring. Lack of semen can be caused among others by: lack of nutritious food, doing too much sex, certain diseases.
  1. Tension penis decreases.
  2. Lack of pleasure in sexual contact and did not last long.
  3. Decreased sexual arousal

JAMU recipe below is very effective to reproduce semen:
Palm fruit (Borassus flabelifer) ... ... ... ... 9 fruit
Palm sugar (Arenga PiƱata) ... ... .... Sufficiently.
Salt ... ... ... ... to taste.

Making way:

Cut-palm fruit slices, boiled lalau with 3 cups of water.
After boiling, put palm sugar and salt to taste, then stirred until smooth, then lifted it is cooled.

How to use:
Taken 3 times a day. 3 days to do so on a regular basis.
  1. Many eat nutritious foods that contain primarily itamin B11, liver, vegetables, melinjo, petai china, basil, soy and red papaya.
  2. Do not drink alcohol.
  3. Sport, rest and sleep regularly.

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