Friday, December 31, 2010

Indonesian traditional herbs to cure acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion III

Ingredients :
One hundred grams of rice flour, a nut for fruit seed powder, three segments temugiring, a handheld yellow leaves, one hundred grams of yam, three gods crown, and three sections of white turmeric.

How to make :
The initial steps are made of rice flour, rice by soaking in water for two weeks. Soaking water should be replaced every day. After two weeks, drain, then mash until it becomes flour. Other materials, except the god of yam and fruit crown, made into powder or flour.
Prepare boiling water god crowns. Combine rice flour with boiling water mehkota god, areca seed flour, flour Intersection dribbles, yellow leaf powder, turmeric powder white, and water yam. The mixture was stirred until uniform, then aerated until mongering in front of the fan angina and should be reversed returned.

How to use :
Cold powder was mixed with rose water sufficiently, then rub like wearing a mask over the face.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simple potion to cure acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion VI
Ingredients :
  1. Native honey sufficiently

How to use :
Take honey sufficiently, about a tablespoon, until boiling. After that let stand until lukewarm.
How to wear :
Spread on the facial acne. Let stand for about two hours. Do it every night before bed. This herb can also be used to remove scars of eczema, either in hand or on foot.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

traditional herbs to cure acne #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Potions II

Ingredients :
  1. 5 star fruit wuluh
  2. water salt to taste.

How to make :
Carambola wuluh washed, and then finely ground. Combine the salt water, then knead.
How to use :
Apply at the breakouts for modern times a day, at morning and at night before bed.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Traditional herbs to cure acne

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Is There a Remedy Traditional Can Be Used to cure acne?
Of course there is. Even the materials are easily available and how to make it difficult. For more details, see the following explanation.
Potion I :

Ingredients :
Twenty jasmine petals, two fingers tamarind, two tablespoons of lemon juice, and sulfur size of a marble.

How to make :
Jasmine and washed tamarind. Combine all ingredients mentioned with sulfur, then mash finely. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix these ingredients until blended.

How to Use :
Apply on the face or other body parts that breakouts in the morning and at night before bed.

traditional herbs to cure acne #5

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potion V
  1. Cinnamon stick sufficiently
  2. honey.

Blend the cinnamon stick until the powder, then mixed with honey sufficiently.

How to use:
Apply the mixture on the facial acne at night. Clean your face the next day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recipes Traditional Medicine: a simple formula for asthma

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Fifteen grams of ginger, two hundred grams of radish, and two tablespoons of honey.

All material is washed, then crushed using a blender and add honey. Mix well and drink immediately.
How to use:
Can be taken twice a day regularly.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Recipes Traditional Medicine: Treatment is cheap and easy to hypertension

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Materials :
  • Garlic (Allium sativu, L) = 3 cloves.

How to use:
Finely crushed garlic, 1 cup of water given, then taken the morning, after meals.
Another way of directly eaten raw with rice.
Make a row for 7 days.
  • Do not think the heavy-weight, and plenty of rest.
  • Do not eat goat meat, milk, every high-calorie foods, and eating less salt.
  • Do not drink alcohol, smoke and drink coffee.
  • Moderate exercise and shower with hot water.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Healing the Heart of Pulsed In Disorders with Ginger and banana skins

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* Materials:

Ginger ... ... ... .... 15 grams
Banana skin ... ... ... .. 15 grams
Rock candy ... ... ... .. 20 grams

* How to Concocting:

All material is washed. Then boiled with 600 ml of water until the remaining 300 ml. Boiled water is filtered.

* How to use:

Drink this mixture while warm. Perform regular twice daily.

Note: Keep doing consultations with doctors.

Source: 273 Traditional Remedy to Overcome Disease Assorted

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Traditional Recipes: Remedy for Treating Asthma #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Potions II

A handful of leaves young cape and two tablespoons of sandalwood scraping.

Young leaves are dried and used as a headland pollen. Cape leaf powder mixed with sandalwood scraping.

How to use:
If a relapse of asthma, this herb smoked a few times.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Traditional Ingredient for Diabetes Mellitus # 2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Substance :

Six cm of bar brotowali, one-third grasp herba sambiloto, and one-third grasp catkin leaf
Way of making :
All substance cleaned until the cleanness. bar of Brotowali cut to pieces [by] need. All substance of ingredient braised

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Traditional Ingredient to Cure Diabetes Mellitus

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Substance :
One grasping seed mahoni
Way of making :
seed Mahoni dried and milled [by] a refinement till become powder.
Way of hence :
Drinked [by] like drinking the coffee twice one day with dose one glass, one clock [of] before eating

Monday, August 16, 2010

Traditional Recipe : Ingredient to Cure Hernia

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province -
State : Indonesia
Hernia of[is so-called hernia or descend bero, most groaning all sport, or the hard work.
This disease enough torture patient [of] because feeling the remarkable illness.
cause of this Disease among other things [is] : working too heavy, trouble of certain disease.
[His/Its] symptom :
Very Pain [at] stomach [of] under.
water of Urine [do] not lancer
Iust to eat to decrease
Healing medically [is] by operated for. However traditionally can be [done/conducted] [by] medication with this ingredient.

Chicken'S egg Kampong ……….. 1 item
Original honey ……….. 3 tablespoon
oil Samin ………… 3 tablespoon.
Way of Making :
Chicken'S egg taken [by] I turn yellow [it], including into containing glass [of] hot water, pouring honey and swirled last mnyak samin flatten.
Way of Use :
Drink in a state of warmness at one blow every day. [Do/Conduct] during few days.
Suggestion :
Don'T work too heavy
Don'T drink liquor and cigarette
Drink and eat warm food.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Recipes JAMU: Medicine for more Slender Body

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Country of origin: Indonesia

In any aspect of the slender body is more agile and more unsightly. Causes of obesity include: fatty foods, lack of exercise or talent descent.
Traditionally, drugs for slimming the body is as follows:

  1. Noni (Morinda cintrifolia) ... ... ... ... .. 1 piece
  2. Bangle (Zingiber ottensi) ... ... ... ... .. 10 gr.
  3. Myrtle leaves (Muraya committee ulata) ... ... ... ... ... 7 gr.
  4. Acid Java (Tamarindus indica) ... ... ... ... ... 5 gr.
  5. Zingiber zerumbet (Zingiber aramaticum) ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 gr.

How to Make:
All materials will be ground finely into one.
Pour hot water, squeezed and filtered, to obtain 1 cup water.
How to Use:
Drink ½ cup ½ cup in the morning and again late afternoon. Apply every 2 days.

  1. Many exercise
  2. Control your eating, drinking and sleeping
  3. Use one day a week to eat certain foods, among others:
  4. Fruit consumption aja without other foods, steamed foods, eating grilled fish.

Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Herbal Prescription: Remedy to Treat Inflammation of the intestines (enteritis)

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language: English

Intestinal inflammation occurs in the lower small intestine. This disease occurs in adults aged 20-30 years. As a result of what happened intestine becomes thick and swollen, less elastic, the intestine becomes limited hole, so difficult to pass food, stomach cramps, diarrhea 3-5 times a day, mild fever and decreased appetite. possible causes allergies alcohol, drug reactions, laxatives and chemicals in food.

Eucalyptus leaves ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 6-10 grams
Water ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 cups

How to use:
6-10 boiled eucalyptus leaves in 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. After the cold water is filtered and drink.

Source: 812 Recipes To Treat Diseases 236, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Recipes JAMU: Slimming Body

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

The woman who was plump, especially teenage girls are always trying to streamline the body. Because of using fear a slimming drug side effects, whether there is a traditional herb that can be used?
There are several herbs for slimming and healthy female body. Materials and how to make it as follows:
Two fingers meet sleigh, two fingers of turmeric, two kencur fingers, one finger of ginger, cloves ten grains of dried flowers, a teaspoon of fennel, two cinnamon sticks, lemon, honey and palm sugar to taste.

How to make:
Peel all the ingredients and wash thoroughly. Ginger, Intersection dribbles, turmeric, and kencur ground, but not too smooth. All the ingredients are mixed into one and add two cups of water, then boiled until the water remaining in one glass and strained. Water filter results combined with lime juice, honey and palm sugar to taste.

How to use:
This potion taken once a day a quarter of a glass, in the afternoon.

Source: Potion 273 Aneka Traditional to Overcome Disease

Monday, January 4, 2010

Recipes JAMU: Potion to Make Over Body Slender

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province: --
Language: English

In any aspect of the slender body is more agile and more unsightly. Causes of obesity include: fatty foods, lack of exercise or talent descent.
Traditionally, drugs for slimming the body is as follows:


  1. Tea (Camellia sinesis) ... ... ... ... .. 3 tablespoons
  2. Lime (Citrus aurantifoilia) ... ... ... ... .. 1 pc.
  3. Cooking water ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 cup.

Making way:
The brewed in 1 cup hot water. Oranges cut, squeezed and the water is put into a glass of tea. Mix well.

How to use:
Drink ½ cup ½ cup in the morning and again late afternoon. Do it every day for several weeks.

  1. Many exercise
  2. Control your eating, drinking and sleeping
  3. Use one day a week to eat certain foods, among others:
  4. Fruit consumption aja without other foods, steamed foods, eating grilled fish.

Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.