Thursday, July 17, 2008

Herbalism (JAMU) : Medication Recipe for Asthma #5

Province -
Language : Indonesia

Asthma ( bengek) [is] pain of exhalation trouble. [His/Its] cause [is] allergy from food, cool air or dirt. There [is] also factor of wafting from genetic and the clan factor.
  • Symptom :
- Short breath, oppress and sound
- Stiff body specially [at] chest
- Lead felt [by] a weight
- Always cough.
traditionally cure shall be as follows :
  • Substance
Garlic ( Allium Sativum) ………….. 5 fang.
Original honey ………… 1 tablespoon.
  • Way of Making :
Garlic sliced little by little [is] then braised by 1 [is] glass irrigate, and let to become ½ glass. Including honey into the ingredient, swirl till flatten.
  • Way of Use :
Drinked at one blow [at] evening and morning. [Do/Conduct] successively during 1 week.
  • Suggestion
- Enough sleep
- Take a bath with hot water
- Avoid cool place
- Keep away things which can generate allergy
- Don'T the cigarette
- Don'T minum-minuman have alcohol [to] [of] ice and
- special Athletic for exhalation.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

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