Sunday, July 20, 2008

Herbalism (JAMU) : Traditional Recipe for Berrys

Province -
Language : English

Disease resulting bloating [of] [at] this body because of, avitaminosis [of] B, less incur sunshine, less make a move and the abundant sleep.
  • Symptom
  1. - Body, especially the foot/feet swell, cheek become tembem
  2. - Body felt [by] a weight, stiff and linu
  3. - Body weaken, less the spirit [of] and feel sleepy
Ingredient for the cure shall be as follows :
  • Substance
- Alpine galanga ( Languas Galanga ……….. 10 gr
- Bengle ( Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb) ……….. 5 gr
- Ginger ( Zingiber Officinalis Rosc ………… 10 gr
- Koempheria galanga ( Kaempfena Galangal …………. 5 gr
- Green peanut ( Phaseous Radiatus ………… 10 gr
- Egg yolk ( kampong chicken ………….. 1 item
- Pure honey ………….. 1 tablespoon
- Lime ( Citrus Aurantifolia, Crism) ……….. 1 fruit.
  • Way of Making
- Lengkua, bengle, koempheria galanga shredded, with green peanut braised to become one by 2 [is] litre irrigate, omit 1 litre
- Filtered, including into glass, including egg yolk, honey and perasan lime, swirled to [by] last flatten.
  • Way of use :
Drinked [by] morning and evening, [do/conduct] during 3 day successively.
  • Suggestion
  1. - Avoid damp place
  2. - A lot of sunning below/under sunshine
  3. - [Do/Conduct] light sport
  4. - A lot of eating vegetable and fruits
  5. - Don't drink ice and don't eat fresh fish.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

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