Sunday, July 20, 2008

Herbalism (JAMU) : Traditional Recipe for Lever or Yellow Illness

Province -
Language : English

Ill [of] lever which people mention [it] yellow illness, a lot of groaning society of faction [of] under. If/When [do] not [is] quickly cured can generate death.
cause of this Jaundice among other;dissimilar [is] insuffiency of vitamin B12, B6 And vitamin A, hunger ( hongerrodiem) [of] because impecunious life, blood or liver attacked [by] a virus, or less nutritions of time in content. And less bloody.
  • Symptom
- Weak body, Iust to eat to disappear
- Liver felt [by] keas and neg, queasy like will vomit
- husk of Body and turn white rust colored eye.
traditionally [is] pengaobatannya shall be as follows :
  • Substance
  1. Brotowali ( Tinospora Crispa) ………….. 15 gr.
  2. leaf Ingu ( Ruta Angustifilia) ………….. 25 gr.
  3. Turmeric ( Curcuma Domestica)………… 10 gr.
  • Way of Making :
Brotowali And turmeric cut flimsy.
Third the substance braised by 1 [is] litre irrigate, let to omit only ½ litre.
  • Way of Use
- Drinked [by] 3 times one day. To eliminate to feel bitter, drink palm sugar water.
  • Suggestion
  1. - Isirahat which is a lot of, don't be athletic
  2. - eat bland and a lot of containing vitamin B6, B12 food, and also the sugar, liver, pie, fruit papaya, avocado and tomato
  3. - Don't eat oily or fatty food.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

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