Saturday, December 27, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Heal Rheumatism with Leaf and Balsam Flower ( Datura Metel)

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province : Bali
Language : English

  • Substance :
Leaf And Balsam Flower ( Datura Metel) ......…… 30-40 g
onion of white (Allium sativum) …………….. 2-3 fang.
Ginger ( Zingiber Officinalle) …………….. 10-15 g
  • Way of Making :
Leaf And Balsam Flower ( Datura Metel), garlic and ginger boxed refine.
  • Way of Usage :
nub with cream [of] [at] pain spot 1-2 times one day. Each 2-3 hour.
Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure Rheumatism with Bar of Kemukus ( Piper Cubeba)

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province : Bali
Language : English

  • Substance :
Bar of Kemukus ( Piper Cubeba) ......…… 15-20 g
  • Way Of Making :
Bar of Kemukus ( Piper Cubeba) boxed refine.
  • Way of Usage :
Balurkan [of] [at] ill shares 1-2 times one day
Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure for CALCULUS

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : Indonesia

Calculus earn to grow or formed [in] kidney, kidney channel, poke of kemih or channel of poke kemih.
  • Substance :
fresh Komfrey leaf………..………………4 sheet
Water………..………………4 Glass
  • Way of Usage :
Way of first, weakening leaf of komfrey with salt, cleaned last. Eat 2 times one day as fresh vegetable. Way of second, leaf of komfrey juice, last [of] [his/its] gist;sari [is] drinked [by] 2 times one day. Way of third, braise leaf of komfrey in 4 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 3 glass, later;then airnya drinked [by] 3 times one day each 1 glass.
Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Saturday, December 20, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure for ASTHMA

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
province : Java
Language : English

  • Substance :
Grow on virgin tread ( Catharanthus Roseus)……..…… 15-20 g ( 1 grasping)
Clean water……………………………....……………… 2-3 glass
  • Way of Making :
Grow on tread of virgin braised with water boil,
  • Way to Use :
Drinked 1 times one day as much 1 glass
Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Thursday, December 18, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure Migrain by Pegagan

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Pegagan ( Centela Asiatica )
  • Way of Usage :
Wash out dry pegagan as much 15-25 gr.
Braise pegagan in frying-pan of land;ground by 3 [is] glass irrigate till boil.
Let till irrigate to omit half ( 1,5 glass)
Filter ingredient
Drink ingredient 3 times one day, each ½ glass
  • Note :
Pegagan measure up to anti poison, anti infection, hot penurun, peluruh urine, compressor feel pain, tonic, pelancar of blood circulation, and also improve;repair gangrene network. Become with consuming pegagan, gradual migraine heal and expected [by] a recurrence [do] not again
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

JAMU Recipe : Cure Migrain by Pegagan

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Pegagan ( Centela Asiatica )
  • Way of Usage :
Wash out dry pegagan as much 15-25 gr.
Braise pegagan in frying-pan of land;ground by 3 [is] glass irrigate till boil.
Let till irrigate to omit half ( 1,5 glass)
Filter ingredient
Drink ingredient 3 times one day, each ½ glass
  • Note :
Pegagan measure up to anti poison, anti infection, hot penurun, peluruh urine, compressor feel pain, tonic, pelancar of blood circulation, and also improve;repair gangrene network. Become with consuming pegagan, gradual migraine heal and expected [by] a recurrence [do] not again
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

JAMU Recipe : Cure Migrain with Deity Leaf

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Deity Leaf ( Gynura Segetum )
  • Way Of Usage I :
Take 3 sheet leaf of fresh deity, [is] then washed out.
consumption of Leaf of deity mentioned as [by] lalapan as much 3 times one day, each 3 sheet
  • Way Of Usage II :
Take leaf of fresh deity then wash out
Last count [of] blender by 100 [is] cc of matured water till refine.
Drink ingredient as much 3 times one day
[Do/Conduct] medication till heal
  • Note :
Leaf of Deity have the character of anti poison and pelancar of blood circulation, preventative [of] cloting of blood and also the compressor feel pain. utilizedly [is] leaf of deity will assist process of healing migrain
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

JAMU Recipe : What such is Migrain?

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Migrain represent headache [of] [at] one part of just head with recuring attack. Feel this pain can take place several hours till 3 day. Initially eyesight of have firefly [to] and lead to beat joined feltly [is] queasy till vomit. Patient become very sensitive with light. This disease generally emerge on the spur of the moment.
Migrain estimated [by] effect [of] [of] the happening of well-balanced ketidak [of] chemical Iihat vitamin [of] brain causing vein led to narrow so that supply of blood to network of brain annoyed. This disease [is] generally triggered by change temperature of sudden air, factor emotion, hormonal, fatigue of physical or bounce, or type of certain food
  • First Handling for Migrain:
If have been incured [by] migrain, konsumsilah of crop of drug having the character of to launch circulation of blood and compressor feel pain.
Next step by relaksasi so that migraine will disappear by itself. Others take a rest and drink white water [is] which is a lot of
  • Medication :
Medication of Migraine can use crop medicinize pelancar of circulation of blood and compressor feel pain that is leaf of deity and pegagan.
Read [his/its] recipe [in] posting [of] other;dissimilar [at] this blog
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

JAMU Recipe : What such is Migrain?

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Migrain represent headache [of] [at] one part of just head with recuring attack. Feel this pain can take place several hours till 3 day. Initially eyesight of have firefly [to] and lead to beat joined feltly [is] queasy till vomit. Patient become very sensitive with light. This disease generally emerge on the spur of the moment.
Migrain estimated [by] effect [of] [of] the happening of well-balanced ketidak [of] chemical Iihat vitamin [of] brain causing vein led to narrow so that supply of blood to network of brain annoyed. This disease [is] generally triggered by change temperature of sudden air, factor emotion, hormonal, fatigue of physical or bounce, or type of certain food
  • First Handling for Migrain:
If have been incured [by] migrain, konsumsilah of crop of drug having the character of to launch circulation of blood and compressor feel pain.
Next step by relaksasi so that migraine will disappear by itself. Others take a rest and drink white water [is] which is a lot of
  • Medication :
Medication of Migraine can use crop medicinize pelancar of circulation of blood and compressor feel pain that is leaf of deity and pegagan.
Read [his/its] recipe [in] posting [of] other;dissimilar [at] this blog
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure of FEVER

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
province : Aceh
Language : English

  • Substance :
Leaf Sena ( Pterocarpus Indicus) ………… 4-5 g ( 7-10 sheet)
Palm sugar …………………………………. 4-5 g
Matured water ………… 100 ml
  • Way of Making :
Leaf of Sena boxed. Add a palm sugar and irrigate sufficiently,
  • Way to use :
Drink 2-3 times one day
Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Sunday, December 7, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure of FEVER

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
province : Aceh
Language : Indonesia

  • Substance :
Leaf Sena ( Pterocarpus Indicus) ………… 4-5 g ( 7-10 sheet)
Palm sugar …………………………………. 4-5 g
Matured water ………… 100 ml
  • Way of Usage :
Leaf of Sena boxed. Add a palm sugar and irrigate sufficiently,
  • Way to use :
Drink 2-3 times one day
Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

JAMU Recipe : Cure of Blood-Vessel

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : Indonesia

Sour [of] blood-vessel or arthritis gout [is] disease of joint [of] which deal with metabolism. Joint attacked [by] see to swell, merh, hot, pain in bone [in] husk, headache and losing apetite. [His/Its] cause [is] going up of acid contents of blood-vessel in blood.
  • Substance :
Cardamom ………..……… 5 item
Clove ………..……… 5 item
Red ginger ………..……… 15 gram
Cinnamon ………..……… 1 finger
Nutmeg seed ………..……… 5 gram
Peppercorn ………..……………… 10 item
parsnip of red ………..…… 200 gram
Water ………..……………… 1000 cc
  • Way of Making :
All substance braised in 1000 cc irrigate [is] till remained [by] 500 cc.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink the soup and eat the parsnip.
Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana