Thursday, December 18, 2008

JAMU Recipe : What such is Migrain?

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Migrain represent headache [of] [at] one part of just head with recuring attack. Feel this pain can take place several hours till 3 day. Initially eyesight of have firefly [to] and lead to beat joined feltly [is] queasy till vomit. Patient become very sensitive with light. This disease generally emerge on the spur of the moment.
Migrain estimated [by] effect [of] [of] the happening of well-balanced ketidak [of] chemical Iihat vitamin [of] brain causing vein led to narrow so that supply of blood to network of brain annoyed. This disease [is] generally triggered by change temperature of sudden air, factor emotion, hormonal, fatigue of physical or bounce, or type of certain food
  • First Handling for Migrain:
If have been incured [by] migrain, konsumsilah of crop of drug having the character of to launch circulation of blood and compressor feel pain.
Next step by relaksasi so that migraine will disappear by itself. Others take a rest and drink white water [is] which is a lot of
  • Medication :
Medication of Migraine can use crop medicinize pelancar of circulation of blood and compressor feel pain that is leaf of deity and pegagan.
Read [his/its] recipe [in] posting [of] other;dissimilar [at] this blog
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

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