Sunday, December 7, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure of Blood-Vessel

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : Indonesia

Sour [of] blood-vessel or arthritis gout [is] disease of joint [of] which deal with metabolism. Joint attacked [by] see to swell, merh, hot, pain in bone [in] husk, headache and losing apetite. [His/Its] cause [is] going up of acid contents of blood-vessel in blood.
  • Substance :
Cardamom ………..……… 5 item
Clove ………..……… 5 item
Red ginger ………..……… 15 gram
Cinnamon ………..……… 1 finger
Nutmeg seed ………..……… 5 gram
Peppercorn ………..……………… 10 item
parsnip of red ………..…… 200 gram
Water ………..……………… 1000 cc
  • Way of Making :
All substance braised in 1000 cc irrigate [is] till remained [by] 500 cc.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink the soup and eat the parsnip.
Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

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