Thursday, December 18, 2008

JAMU Recipe : Cure Migrain with Deity Leaf

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Deity Leaf ( Gynura Segetum )
  • Way Of Usage I :
Take 3 sheet leaf of fresh deity, [is] then washed out.
consumption of Leaf of deity mentioned as [by] lalapan as much 3 times one day, each 3 sheet
  • Way Of Usage II :
Take leaf of fresh deity then wash out
Last count [of] blender by 100 [is] cc of matured water till refine.
Drink ingredient as much 3 times one day
[Do/Conduct] medication till heal
  • Note :
Leaf of Deity have the character of anti poison and pelancar of blood circulation, preventative [of] cloting of blood and also the compressor feel pain. utilizedly [is] leaf of deity will assist process of healing migrain
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

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