Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recipes JAMU: Treat Diarrhea

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province: --
Language: English

Diarrhea is a slimy filth disease, which attacks the stomach. Stomach is so prone to attack it by some disease, because all the food and beverages collected daily stomach. The disease is mainly caused by the food would be to attack the belly. Diarrhea was one, this illness usually attacks in children.

Discard water continuously (slimy)
Bleeding in the intestine and gums
Body weak, feet and hands were cramping or pain
Decreased appetite, sunken eyes.

Diarrhea solved with the following recipe:
Glutinous rice (Oryza glutinosa) ... ... ... ... .. 100 gr
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) ... ... ... ... .. 1 finger

Making way:
Fried sticky rice without oil until charred. Turmeric burned to charred.
Both the above ingredients into a smooth ground to a powder.

How to use:
Brewed with hot water. Drink 3 times a day. (One tablespoon brewed once)

  1. Do not eat spicy
  2. Do not eat and drink cold
  3. Do not drink alcohol
  4. Expand break.
  5. Eat soft foods (porridge)
Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Herbal Treatment Prescription: Strengthen the Erections

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

This herb is very useful to strengthen or improve the quality of erections men so as to provide maximum enjoyment for the partner.
Sebagia recipe is the following:

  1. Black pepper _____ 8 g dry
  2. Kencur _____ Powder 8 grams of dried
  3. Tread liman _____ 10 grams of dried
  4. Barucina _____ 10 g dried or 30 g fresh
  5. Honey _____ 2 tablespoons
  6. Kampong chicken egg yolk _____ 1 points

Way of Making :
Powder peeled, crushed, washed clean. Then boiled with other ingredients (except honey and eggs) with 1 liter of water, boiled until the water left rebusannya half, and lift.
After chilling filtered, divided into three parts,

How to use:
Drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening. Previously, mixed with honey and egg yolk and stir well.

Source: Traditional Medicine for Married Couple, by: Hardi Sunanto & Sri Kuncoro S. Sos.

Friday, December 4, 2009

JAMU(traditional herbs) Recipe : Stimulate the Female Orgasm

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
This recipe is useful for women who struggle reaching orgasm in intercourse with her husband. As it is known that many women who have intercourse ended with disappointment for not getting pleasure similar to that felt by the husband. Orgame for women contribute to satisfaction and harmony in married life, because very often when the woman was disappointed it will be easily offended or angry.
Brew as follows:

  1. Red ginger _____ kering/40 gr 20 gr wet
  2. Fennel _____ dry 10 gr / 25 g wet
  3. cumin _____5 grams
  4. turmeric_____40 Gr fresh
  5. Red galangal_____ 40 g fresh
  6. Tapak liman _____ 10 grams dried or 30 grams of fresh
  7. Honey _____ 2 tablespoons

Way of Making :
Red ginger, turmeric, red galangal peeled, crushed and boiled with other ingredients in 1 liter of water, simmer the water and the remaining half, and then removed. After chilling filtered and divided into two parts.

How to use:
Drink in the morning and evening after being mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Source: Traditional Medicine for Married Couple, by: Hardi Sunanto & Sri Kuncoro S. Sos.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Treat Cervical Cancer by Temu Putih

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  1. White Intersection dry 10 grams / 40 grams of fresh
  2. Pearl grass dry 10 gr / 30 g fresh
  3. Catharanthus roseus (whole plant) _____ 15 grams of dried / fresh 30 gr
  4. Sambiloto dry 10 gr / 30 g fresh

Way to Make:

White Intersection peeled, crushed or finely sliced and washed with other ingredients to clean, boiled with 1 liter of water, until the remaining half, and lift. After chilling filtered.


Drink 3 times a day, each 150 ml

Source: Traditional Medicine for Married Couple, by: Hardi Sunanto & Sri Kuncoro S. Sos.

Monday, November 2, 2009

JAMU Recipes : Heal Heart Disorder with Black Roots Sugar Cane

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* Materials:
Cane roots Black (saccharum officinarum, L) _____ 3 grams.
* How to Creation:

Roots washed black cane.
½ liters of water Cook until boiling, then enter the black cane akr approximately 10 minutes.
Deposited so that the root is located at the bottom of the container.

* How to use:

Taken 3 times a day.

* Description:

This recipe comes from Dr.Fisinger, a botanist berkasiat ever practice in Indonesia in the 19th century.

Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Traditional Recipe : Herbs to Increase The Sex Desire in Women

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* Province: --
Language: English

Many women lost their sexual desire after a few years of marriage, especially after giving birth to several children. This is a disorder that is sometimes not realized by the patient. Many men who later played affair with another woman, because the wife was not excited again.
When this happens the ears bisikkanlah your wife and tell her that he had lost his sex drive, to immediately deal with the treatment. Wife should recognize these weaknesses.
  1. Passion for sex decreased
  2. When sex mengedakan passive, not react.
  3. Often associated with the husband refused.

  1. Ginger (Zingiber oficianalis) ... ... ... .. 20 grams
  2. Caraway (Carum carvi) ... ... ... .. 5 grams
  3. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) ... ... ... .. 5 grams
  4. Pulosari (Alyxia stellata) ... ... ... .. 5 grams
  5. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) ... ... ... .. 2 pieces
  6. Chicken eggs ... ... ... .. 2 eggs
  7. Pure honey ... ... ... .. 2 tablespoons
Making way:
Ginger, cumin, fennel, pulosari and finely ground nutmeg together. Chicken egg yolk taken.
All material is mixed into one, after being given a cold airmasak to make 1 cup.

How to use:
Taken once in the morning, make this herb 2 times in 1 week.

  1. Many eat nutritious foods that contain lots of vitamin E; liver, milk fat, Dading, toge, green beans and eggs.
  2. Avoid stress.
  3. Exercising regularly.
  4. Many read book about the passion of sex.
Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Traditional Recipe : Herbs to strengthen the penis

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* The following recipe is a way to make the penis becomes strong, firm and hard.
Province: --
Language: English
For men the penis is the main vital tool in distributing biological needs. The penis is limp (less stringent), wilt not be able to give pleasure in doing sex relationships, especially for the opposite sex. Therefore should take care of the only weapon in order to stay tight, hard and solid. Less powerful penis can be caused by: lack of nutritious food, hard work, exhaustion, many do masturbation, or because of certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus, low blood pressure / high, and less blood.

Penis less tense, less powerful.
The suspense did not last long.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L) ... ... ... .. ... ... some fruit
Palm sugar ... .... sufficiently
Making way:
The pomegranate is squeezed, the water taken up to a ½ cup.
Enter palm sugar to taste (up to a sweet), then heated over fire, stirred up like honey, and then cooled.
How to use:

Drink every morning. When done routinely in a few weeks then the results would be extraordinary.
Many eating nutritious foods.
Many eat vegetables and fruits.
Work and rest regularly.
Eliminate the frantic mind.
Do not eat vegetables eggplant.
Do a lot of drinking coconut water.
Do not wear tight underwear.
Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Traditional Recipes (JAMU): Sperm reproduce

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Language: English

For men, semen (sperm) should be maintained not to dryness. Dried semen that can cause interference on the genitals and probably difficult to get offspring. Lack of semen can be caused among others by: lack of nutritious food, doing too much sex, certain diseases.
  1. Tension penis decreases.
  2. Lack of pleasure in sexual contact and did not last long.
  3. Decreased sexual arousal

JAMU recipe below is very effective to reproduce semen:
Palm fruit (Borassus flabelifer) ... ... ... ... 9 fruit
Palm sugar (Arenga PiƱata) ... ... .... Sufficiently.
Salt ... ... ... ... to taste.

Making way:

Cut-palm fruit slices, boiled lalau with 3 cups of water.
After boiling, put palm sugar and salt to taste, then stirred until smooth, then lifted it is cooled.

How to use:
Taken 3 times a day. 3 days to do so on a regular basis.
  1. Many eat nutritious foods that contain primarily itamin B11, liver, vegetables, melinjo, petai china, basil, soy and red papaya.
  2. Do not drink alcohol.
  3. Sport, rest and sleep regularly.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Prescription Drugs : Sex Power for Man

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province: ACEH

Language: English

  • Material:
Full leaf (Ficus deltoidea) ...... ... ... ... ... .... 4-5 pieces / 5 g

  • How to use:
Full leaf is brewed in a glass of water. Like the warm drink. 1 times a day.

Source: Potion 12 ethnic traditional Indonesian style by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Monday, October 19, 2009

Recipe to Make the Penis Strong

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

* The following recipe is a way to make the penis becomes strong, firm and hard.
Province: --
Language: English

For men the penis is the main vital tool in distributing biological needs. The penis is limp (less stringent), wilt not be able to give pleasure in doing sex relationships, especially for the opposite sex. Therefore seyogiyanya treat the only weapon in order to stay tight, hard and solid. Less powerful penis can be caused by: lack of nutritious food, hard work, exhaustion, many do masturbation, or because of certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus, blood tekakan low / high, and less blood.


Penis less tense, less powerful.
The suspense did not last long.


Leaves distance (Ricinus comunis, L) ... ... ... .. ... ... 3 pieces
Lime leaves (Citrus aurantifolia) ... .... 10 sheets
Powder (Kaempfaria galanga, L) ... ... .... 1 piece
Rice (Oryiza sativa, L) ... ... .... sufficiently
Making way:
Finely ground material into one.
Add hot water bit.

How to use:

Use for massage, then smear of the penis and let the mixture is pressed for about 30 minutes. After that wash with warm water.
If this is done every morning, then in a few weeks the results satisfactory.


  1. Many eating nutritious foods.
  2. Many eat vegetables and fruits.
  3. Work and rest regularly.
  4. Eliminate the frantic mind.
  5. Do not eat vegetables eggplant.
  6. Do a lot of drinking coconut water.
  7. Do not wear tight underwear.

Source: Heritage Herb Prima Raga by: DS. Soewito M.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Stroke with Deity(Dewa) Ingredient

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Cabe Java _____ 20 gram
Leaf Greet _____ 10 sheet
Continued leaf [of] soul _____ 40 gram
Pegagan _____ 30 gram
Deity (Dewa) corm _____ 30 gram
Irrigate _____ 4 glass

  • Way of Making :
Wash out all substance, last slice little by little. Braise till irrigate remained [by] a half. Later;Then filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink 2 times one day the evening and morning. Each 1 glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Stroke with Red Ginger

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Red Ginger _____ 20 gram
Mengkudu _____ 40 gram
Pule Pandak _____ 20 gram
Deity leaf _____ 30 gram
leaf Ciremai _____ 20 gram
Irrigate _____ 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Clean all substance, last [of] rajang or slice. Afterwards, braise till the water remained [by] a last half filter
  • Way of Usage :
Drink water rebusannya 3 times one day ( morning, day, evening) after eating. At one gulp semi glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak and Sambiloto

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak .... 30 gram
Tamarind ..... 2 finger
Garlic ....... 7 fang
Sambiloto ...... 30 gram
Irrigate ..... 3 glass
  • Way of Making :
All substance washed out. Temulawak garlic And pared. [Is] afterwards sliced little by little and braised till the water remained [by] a half. Filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient twice one day [at] evening and morning, each _ glass

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak ………… 3 finger
Hot water ¾ cup
  • Way of Making :
Pare husk rimpang temulawak, clean [is] then grated. Mixing with hot water, then hush till chill and the condensation. After chilling, throw away [his/its] sediment and drink it
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient once one day as much ¾ glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Prevent and Overcome Cholesterol Hoard by Temulawak

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Rimpang Temulawak ………… 3 finger
Hot water ¾ cup
  • Way of Making :
Pare husk rimpang temulawak, clean [is] then grated. Mixing with hot water, then hush till chill and the condensation. After chilling, throw away [his/its] sediment and drink it
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient once one day as much ¾ glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Recipe ENTERTAIN : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : Indonesia
  • Substance :
Ginseng _____ 30 gram
Cabe Jawa _____ 20 gram
Red ginger _____ 15 gram
Peppercorn _____ 20 gram
Clean water _____ 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Pare and wash out all substance, braise till irrigate remained [by] a half. Afterwards filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink 2 times one day the evening and morning. Can be added by 1 [is] item [of] egg yolk and 2 pure honey tablespoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #2

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Ginseng _____ 30 gram
Cabe Jawa _____ 20 gram
Red ginger _____ 15 gram
Peppercorn _____ 20 gram
Clean water _____ 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Pare and wash out all substance, braise till irrigate remained [by] a half. Afterwards filter and made cool
  • Way of Usage :
Drink 2 times one day the evening and morning. Can be added by 1 [is] item [of] egg yolk and 2 pure honey tablespoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Ginger _____ 100 gram
chicken's egg Kampong ______ 1 item
Lime _____ 1 big item.
Sweet ketchup _____ 1 tablespoon
Pure honey _____ 1 teaspoon
Merica _____ 7 item
Alpine galanga _____ 3 bud

  • Way of Making :
Rimpang Ginger grated, [is] then extorted. [Is] afterwards poured boiling water into with hot water sufficiently. Egg shaked refine. Lime extorted to be taken [by] airnya. Merica boxed [by] refinement. All substance mingled and swirled to [by] flatten

Way of Usage :
Ingredient drinked half hour before [doing/conducting] body [relation/link]

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure Impotensi With Ginger #1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Ginger _____ 100 gram
chicken's egg Kampong ______ 1 item
Lime _____ 1 big item.
Sweet ketchup _____ 1 tablespoon
Pure honey _____ 1 teaspoon
Merica _____ 7 item
Alpine galanga _____ 3 bud
  • Way of Making :
Rimpang Ginger grated, [is] then extorted. [Is] afterwards poured boiling water into with hot water sufficiently. Egg shaked refine. Lime extorted to be taken [by] airnya. Merica boxed [by] refinement. All substance mingled and swirled to [by] flatten
  • Way of Usage :
Ingredient drinked half hour before [doing/conducting] body [relation/link]

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Monday, September 7, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure Impotensi [of] With Cotton Seed

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Language : English
  • Substance :
Cotton Seed _____ 300 gram
Rice pageant _____ 1-2 tablespoon
Garlic _____ sufficiently
  • Way of Making :
Sangrai(Fry without oil) cotton seed till rust colored cotton seed till, at the same time enhance rice pageant. Sangrai also the garlic in place apart. Afterwards all substance milled till refine
  • Way of Usage :
Take 10 ingredient powder mixture gram, dissolving in rice pageant, last drink empty stomach time

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease


(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
referred [as] also ‘ erectile dysfunction’ ( disfungsi erection), that is an unabillity to reach for or maintain erection during which old relative to get moment enjoyment correlate seks.
Impotensi can cause by physical trouble existence [of] like venous stricture, diabetes, nerve damage, area pelvic damage [of] because trauma or operate for, side effects from medication, depresi, high blood pressure, cigarette, consuming forbidden alcohol or drugs. Other cause can in the form of psychological trouble, like hasty feeling, fear, dread, stress or feel guilty.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing Bosom Tumor with Lime Parasite

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
  1. Lime Parasite _____ 1 grasping
  2. Leaf Sambiloto ½ grasp
  3. Wood Secang ¼ grasp
  4. Fennel ½ teaspoon
  5. Pulosari ½ finger
  6. Kinds of strong laxative Arab ( equal to marble _____ 1 seed
  7. Turmeric Corm ( equal to chicken's egg _____ 1 seed
  • Way of Making :
Turmeric pared [is] then cleaned and sliced flimsy. Braise turmeric with other;dissimilar substance in eight glass irrigate. Let airnya decrease remained [by] four glass
  • Way of Usage :
This Ingredient [is] drinked [by] thrice one day as much one-third the glass at one gulp
  • Boldness :
Besides drinking ramuantradisional [do/conduct] abstention with [do] not consume durian, nangka, fatty food and hot makanana

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Monday, June 29, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Prostate With Root of Enau

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Substance :
Five finger hand [of] aereal root of enau, five span grow on seagegrass, semi grasping the moustache of cat, half tablespoon adas, and leaf [of] semi hand pulosari finger
Way of making :
Seagegrass root and grow on enau cleaned clean till and sawed up. [Is] later;then braised with other;dissimilar substance in five glass water. let irrigate to decrease [is] till remained [by] three glass
Way of hence :
Irrigate the mix drinked [by] thrice one day with dose half [of] glass once of this. Do medication during one week routinlly. If the result show progress, repeat again till really heal.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Obstetrical Tumor with Tea Parasite Leaf

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
tea Parasite Leaf _____ 1 grasping
Leaf Sambiloto _____ 11 sheet
Jadan Arab( equal to marble _____ 1 item
white Rimpang Meeting _____ 1 internode
  • Way of Making :
pared White Meeting [is] then cleaned clean till and diris little by little. With other;dissimilar substance [of] dirbus in five glass irrigate. Let airnya decrease [is] till remained [by] three glass irrigate. After chilling airnya filtered
  • Way of Usage :
This Ingredient [is] drinked [by] thrice one day as much glass half at one gulp
  • Boldness :
Besides drinking ramuantradisional [do/conduct] abstention with [do] not consume durian, nangka, fatty food and hot makanana

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure COUGH with Bali Orange

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province : Java
Language : English

  • Substance
  1. Orange Bali ( Citrus Medica)……..…… 1 fruit
  2. Calcify sirih……..…………………………. 1 g
  • Way of Usage :
Orange of Baby burned, [is] later;then extorted. water of Perasannya mixed with [by] chalk sirih, drinked [by] last 1 times one day

Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Sunday, June 7, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure COUGH with Ginger

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

province : Java
Language : English

  • Substance :
Rimpang Ginger ( Zingiber Officinale)……..…… 14-15 g ( 1 joint)
Clean water……..…………………………. 1-2 glass
Java Sugar……..…………………………. 4-5 g
  • Way Of Usage :
Rimpang of Ginger boxed fall to pieces, [is] later;then braised with water of java sugar of boil. Drinked the water [by] 2-3 times one day, each 1 glass

Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Monday, May 18, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure To Cough With Handle Of Leaf Kanjar

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province : Java
Language : English

  • Substance :
Handle of Leaf kanjar ( Alocasia Indica)……..…… 1 bar
  • Way of Usage :
Handle of Leaf of kanjar cut [at] morning day, water accomodated by plastic, [is] then taken in the evening and drinked [by] 1 times one day as much ½ glass

Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

Monday, May 11, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing Trouble of Heart with Leaf of Sembung

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf of Sembung ( Blumea Balsamifera)______ 3 sheet.
Desk Fruit ( Aegle Marmelos, Corr _____ 3 seed.
Pure honey _____ sufficiently
  • Way of Making :
Fruit of Desk and leaf of sembung boxed till refine to become one, poured boiling water into with hot water 1 glass and filtered.
Spice with honey and swirled till flatten
  • Way of Use :
Drinked [by] 3 times one day

Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

JAMU Recipe : Healing Trouble of Heart by Kemangi

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf of Kemangi ( Ocimum Bassilicum Forma citratum)______ 25 gram.
Seed of Kemangi _____ 50 gram
Root of Kemangi _____ 25 gram.
Palm Sugar ( Arenga PiƱata _____ 20 gram
  • Way of Making :
Third [of] substance boxed till refine to become one, poured boiling water into with hot water 1 glass and filtered.
Spice with palm sugar and swirled till flatten
  • Way of Use :
Drinked [by] morning and night [of] before sleep

Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

JAMU Recipe : Healing Trouble of Heart with Root of Black Sugar Cane

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :

Grow On Black Sugar cane ( Saccharum Officinarum) _____ 3 gram

  • Way of Making :

Grow on washed out black sugar cane.

Cook water ½ litre till boil, then [enter/include] akr of the black sugar cane about 10 minute.

Precipitated so that the the root reside in base place

  • Way of Use :

Drinked [by] 3 times one day

  • Notes :

This Recipe come from Dr.Fisinger, expert of flora of berkasiat which the practice have in Indonesia [at] century 19.

Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Curing Embolism and Cholesterol

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Encounter to dribble……… 2 finger
Dutch Teak;Core Leaf …………. 3 sheet
young leaf Kemuning ………… 13 sheet
  • Way of Making :
Encounter to dribble pared, [is] then cleaned and sliced little by little. Hereinafter, braise along with other;dissimilar substance in 4 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 2 glass. Result of that ingredient [is] filtered
  • Way of Usage :
Drinked [by] 3 times one day with dose [of] semi glass at one gulp. Besides to degrade this ingredient cholesterol earn digunkan to dissolve body fat so that the consumer body weight by degrees will descend.
If cholesterol dissolved [by] too much, enhancing garlic in it, unless the patient have disease of maag. Garlic function for the sour forming stimulus bounce up.

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Monday, March 2, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure bloated Heart by Kemangi

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Kemangi ½ grasp
Seed Kemangi ½ teaspoon
Grow on Kemangi ……….. 2 fruit
Koempheria galanga …………. 1 thumb
  • Way of making :
  • Koempheria galanga washed out [is] then contused. Together the other;dissimilar substance braised in 2 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 1 glass. After chilling, water filtered.
  • Way of use :
Drinked [by] 2 times one day with dose ½ glass at one gulp.
Note : Remain to [do/conduct] consultancy with doctor

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Cure bloated Heart by Kemangi

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Kemangi ½ grasp
Seed Kemangi ½ teaspoon
Grow on Kemangi ……….. 2 fruit
Koempheria galanga …………. 1 thumb
  • Way of making :
  • Koempheria galanga washed out [is] then contused. Together the other;dissimilar substance braised in 2 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 1 glass. After chilling, water filtered.
  • Way of use :
Drinked [by] 2 times one day with dose ½ glass at one gulp.
Note : Remain to [do/conduct] consultancy with doctor

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Heal Iregular Heartbeat with banana husk and Ginger

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Ginger …………. 15 gram
Banana husk ……….. 15 gram
Lump sugar ……….. 20 gram
  • Way of making :
All substance washed out. [Is] later;then braised with clean water as much 600 ml [is] till remained [by] 300 ml. Irrigate rebusannya filtered.
  • Way of use :
Drink ingredient whilst heat. [Do/Conduct] regularly twice one day
Note : Remain to [do/conduct] consultancy with doctor

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Heal Iregular Heartbeat with banana husk and Ginger

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Ginger …………. 15 gram
Banana husk ……….. 15 gram
Lump sugar ……….. 20 gram
  • Way of making :
All substance washed out. [Is] later;then braised with clean water as much 600 ml [is] till remained [by] 300 ml. Irrigate rebusannya filtered.
  • Way of use :
Drink ingredient whilst heat. [Do/Conduct] regularly twice one day
Note : Remain to [do/conduct] consultancy with doctor

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Heal CALCULUS With Leaf of Komfrey

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province -
Language : English

Calculus earn to grow or formed [in] kidney, kidney channel, poke of kemih or channel of poke kemih.
  • Substance :
Leaf of Komfrey segar………..………………4 sheet
Water………..………………4 Glass
  • Way of Usage :
Way of first, weakening leaf of komfrey with salt, cleaned last. Eat 2 times one day as fresh vegetable. Way of second, leaf of komfrey juice, last [of] [his/its] gist;sari [is] drinked [by] 2 times one day. Way of third, braise leaf of komfrey in 4 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 3 glass, later;then drink the water [by] 3 times one day each 1 glass.

Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Monday, February 23, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Disease Tuberkulosis ( TBC) by Sambiloto and the Deity Leaf

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Sambiloto………… 20 gram
Deity leaf………. 30 gram
Inggu……….. 15 gram
Sagunggu…….. 20 gram
Clean water ……….. 4 glass
  • Way of Making :
Wash out all substance, last sawed up. Later;Then braise [is] till remained only 2 glass, last filter and made cool.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink twice one day, each;every evening and morning

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Disease Tuberkulosis ( TBC) with and pulosari fennel

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih ………… 5 sheet
Cinnamon ½ finger
ginger Emprit ………. 1 finger
seed Kemukus ……….. 7 seed
Clove …….. 7 seed
Cardamom ……….. 7 seed
Sweet fennel ½ transfer with a spoon the
Pulosari ½ finger
  • Way of Making :
Ginger Emprit burned just [is] then pared, cleaned and contused. All the substance braised in four glass irrigate till airnya remained [by] 2 glass.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient 3 times one day, semi glass at one gulp. Each;Every drinking [it] can be enhanced [by] 1 honey spoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Traditional Recipe (JAMU) : Healing Disease Tuberkulosis ( TBC) with and pulosari fennel

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih ………… 5 sheet
Cinnamon ½ finger
ginger Emprit ………. 1 finger
seed Kemukus ……….. 7 seed
Clove …….. 7 seed
Cardamom ……….. 7 seed
Sweet fennel ½ transfer with a spoon the
Pulosari ½ finger
  • Way of Making :
Ginger Emprit burned just [is] then pared, cleaned and contused. All the substance braised in four glass irrigate till airnya remained [by] 2 glass.
  • Way of Usage :
Drink this ingredient 3 times one day, semi glass at one gulp. Each;Every drinking [it] can be enhanced [by] 1 honey spoon

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing TBC by Sirih and the Clove

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Leaf Sirih……… 3 sheet.
Clove Seed ……. 7 seed
Kemukus ………. 7 seed
Cardamom ………. 7 seed
Cinnamon ………. 1 finger
  • Way of Making :
All substance braised in water of is four of glass till the water remained [by] 2 glass. After chilling water filtered.
  • Way of Usage :
Suggested to [by] drink this ingredient 3 times one day. [His/Its] dose [is] as much [of] a quarter [of] glass at one gulp

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease


(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

TUBERCULOSIS [is] one of most disease [is] often talked. this Disease cause [is] TUBERCULOSIS germ. continuous TUBERCULOSIS Medication Therapy must be done complete until. Require to be [done/conducted] [by] inspection lender photo rotgen and to ascertain TBC desease attack, so that deflect [done/conducted] [by] a medication precisely
Medical therapy can be help with consuming traditional ingredient to add body endurance and improve energy work lung. Generally the the following TUBERCULOSIS show symptom to the patient
1. Cough to bleed
2. Frequency cough very often
3. If walking enough far will experience of out of breath
4. Red lane felt to [by] itch
5. High fever
6. [Is] sometimes hiccoughed [by] when sleep [of] because upper dilution paru breath channel

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Friday, February 6, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure Constipation with Carrot

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Note :

Constipate in fact is not a[n disease, but the symptom which emerge to join disease. Meaning constipate itself [is] difficulty in defecating. [His/Its] cause [is] immeasurable, deflect for want of the fibrous food ( vegetable and fruit), too much siting, too much drinking the coffee, or less drink. Remediable constipation with traditional ingredient.

  • Substance :

Carrot ……………. 2 fruit

  • Way of Making :

Carrot washed out, [is] later;then grated and enhanced [by] 2 matured water tablespoon and a few/little salt. [Is] afterwards extorted and accomodated [by] the to dalm glass.

  • Way of Use :

Drink ingredient 2 times one day

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Traditional Recipe : Healing berrys with seed of mahoni

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
  • Substance :
Seed mahoni powder......... semi tablespoon.
Honey ......... one tablespoon.
  • Way of Making :
Seed mahoni powder poured boiling water into with the hot water glass half, then enhance 1 spoon combine.
  • Way of Use :
Drinked in a state of warmness 2 times one day with dose 3 tablespoon
Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to overcome multifarious [of] disease.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Healing Stiff [of] Linu

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Language : English
Stiff [of] linu [is] often experienced of [by] one who banak use physical. Stiff causes [of] linu for example : heavy job, sport, perjalnan far, fatigue or less take a rest.
  • Symptom
Body felt stiff
Feel run down and weaken over a barrel
apetite to decrease.
Healing Stiff [of] linu by using jamu from substance [of] following.
  • Substance :
Koempheria galanga ( Kaempferia Galangal …………. 10 gr
Rice ( Oryza Sativa ……………. 10 gr.
Kedawung ( Parka Roxburghii ……………… 5 gr.
Jahe(Zingiber Officinalis ……………. 5 gr.
Lime ( Citurs Aurantifolia ½ fruit.
Pure honey …………. 2 tablespoon.
Cooking salt……………. Sufficiently.
  • Way of making :
Koempheria galanga, rice, kedawung and ginger boxed [by] a refinement become one, given [by] the hot water [is] later;then extorted and filtered till get 1 glass irrigate perasan.
Take ingredient of[is above ½ glass, including honey, egg yolk, perasan of lime and salt. swirled to [by] Last flatten.
  • Way of Use :
Drinked [by] 2 times one day.
  • Suggestion :
Take a rest or lain down body
Don'T drink ossify, don't smoke
Bath with warm water.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

JAMU Recipe : Cure headache by Cabe [is] Java

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

  • Substance :
Cabe Java ( Piper Retrofractum) ……………. sufficiently.

Way Of I

  • Way of Making :
Box refinement of dry fruit cabe jawa 6 gr.
Enhancing 100cc matured water and 2 honey spoon. Last swirl till flatten.
  • Way of Use :
Drink ingredient whilst heat, [do/conduct] medication 3 times one day till really heal.

Way Of II

  • Way of Making :
Braise 15 gr of dry fruit cabe jawa by 3 [is] glass irrigate till boil. Let airnya [is] till remained [by] half [of] part of ( 1,5 glass). Filter [is] then made cool [by] ingredient
  • Way of Use :
Drink ingredient 3 times one day each ½ glass.
  • Note :
Cabe Jawa have of[is nature of paregoric ( analgesic), body warmer, pelancar of blood circulation, palliative of trouble of stomach and also upraise of pressure of blood. so with consuming cabe jawa expected confused because low blood pressure and trouble of remediable gradual stomach
Source : P3K with herb, by : Sofyan Tsauri

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Recipe Entertain : Drug of Bloated Vagina

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

By dozens the womankind suffering swelling [of] [at] vagina. Bloated [at] this shares earn because of : infection, less be hygienic, accident, or probably because the factious coitus.
  • Symptom :
- bloated vagina
- feel pain in bone, ill if/when touched.
  • Substance :
Sesame Seed ( sesamum indicum ……….. 1 grasping
  • Way of Making :
Seed of Sesame boxed, fried [by] without oil cook, made cool a moment, [is] then wrapped with handkerchief.
  • Way of Use :
Warm [of] ditekan-tekan [of] [at] about bloated vagina. [Do/Conduct] 3 times one day. In this way insyaallah of bloated vagina earn convalesce like from the beginning.
Suggestion - keep cleaning body - don't eat sea fish a few moments - Don'T drink ossify - A lot of nutritious food especially the milk, flesh, egg yolk, liver, sprout.
Source : Ingredient of Prima Patrimony [of] Raga by : DS. Soewito M

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

Cholesterol represent fat produced by body, especially by liver, chromatic of brass and like wax;candle. Cholesterol required by body, but cholesterol which [his/its] rate [is] abundant will cause serious disease.
  • Substance :
Leaf of Komfrey ………..………………4 sheet
Water………..………………4 Glass
  • Way of Usage :
Way of first, weakening leaf of komfrey with salt, cleaned last. Eat 2 times one day as fresh vegetable. Way of second, leaf of komfrey juice, last [of] [his/its] gist;sari [is] drinked [by] 2 times one day. Way of third, braise leaf of komfrey in 4 glass irrigate [is] till remained [by] 3 glass, later;then airnya drinked [by] 3 times one day each 1 glass.

Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Recipe JAMU : Drug of LIVER CANCER

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

Kangker of Liver [of] a lot of met [in] sub-sahara afrika and South-East Asia. Half from patient cancer of interconnected liver sliver with infection of virus of hepatitis B and C. the Cancer coming from cell of this liver microscopicly [is] distinguishable for type massif, nodular and diffusion. type of Massif [is] generally happened [in] right lobus, type of nodular happened the totality liver and type of difficult difus to be determined [by] [his/its] boundary.
  • Substance :
Grow on daruju ………..……… 30-120 gram
Beef without fat ………..……………… 60-120 gram
Water ………..……………… 500 cc
  • Way of Usage :
All substance braised in 500 cc irrigate during 6 hour [is] till remained [by] 1 mug. Ingredient drinked [by] 2 times one day routinely.
  • Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recipe JAMU : Drug for CANCER of gracious, nasopharync, chorio-epithelioma & choriocar-cinoma # 1

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)
Province -
Language : English

  • Substance :
Scrawl Crop ………..……… 60 gram
Irrigate ………..……………… 3 glass
  • Way of Usage :
Braise crop of scrawl [of] during 3-4 clock with small fire. After chilling drinked the water several times until used up.
Source : 812 Recipe To Cure 236 Disease, by: Drs.H.Arief Hariana